Mark Ashley Calls out the Derek Hay Scam known as LATATA

Porn performer Mark Ashley calls out the  scam known as LATATA – [source]

This post I think I’ll devote to a subject that has been getting some attention lately. Agencies. It’s a touchy subject for discussion publicly mainly because most performers are worried about backlash in the form of economic reprisals from a few of the agencies. If you want my honest opinion, the porn industry needs to do away with this scam. You think an association of adult talent agencies has our best interests at heart? Really? Before I get into public slandering of a bunch of sociopathic bullies and manipulators, lets get right to the heart of the matter. The money.


For starters they take an agency commission of 15-20% of talent income. That means for every 1 million dollars doled out to pay talent, $200.000 of that goes to pay someone with no real talent to speak of other than sitting on their asses in front of a computer and doing what 90% of the industry talent used to do for themselves. And thats just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve all heard stories of buying out of the agency for a large fee. Are these contracts even legally binding? And what about the constant blacklisting that goes on against any talent that dare question their authority? Or for petty reasons that have more to do with pushing independent contractors out of the way to make room for their shitty b-list talent that’s too scared to rock the boat. How many of you listen to the same bullshit that comes out of their mouths (you need to lose weight, you need to get breast augmentation, you have to do this scene even though you are tired and sore, we have to hold your rate, you have to start doing anal scenes,etc.) and wanted to throttle them? How often do they get a needle in their arm and piss in a cup to test for work? How often do you see their lazy asses in the gym to stay fit for work? And thats just the shit I’ve been hearing for a few years now. Did they prevent Mr. Syphillis er Mr. Marcus from going to work with a forged test? Did they prevent the condom law from going into effect? Did they improve conditions on set? No they didn’t. They put 20% of our money into their own pockets and tried to tell us that we need them more than they need us. Well now we are in the middle of a crisis in our business and are they doing anything except lining their pockets? Fuck no. They’ve trashed the industry to the point where the girls are more hookers than entertainers. And that requires a lot of grooming to achieve. Most people are born with a little self esteem, these jack offs attack any sign of common sense and self preservation.


My experience with agents is summed up like this – they want a docile  bitch to go along with whatever hack set they send you to. And then they want a dumb dog to just shut the fuck up and do the job. I’ve been lied about rate, who I’m working with, and what type of scene I’ll be doing and I’m supposed to just go along with waiting a month for a check with their cut taken off. I have never authorized  any checks to be written to me by a a talent agency. They seem to think this is ok. What a joke. And they are also getting really efficient at grooming the girls away from any real communication with the other talent. That would breed discontent. It’s no wonder I only last a few scenes with an agent and then bail…


The agency licensing and bonding procedure they try to legitamize themselves through wasn’t designed for porn. It was designed for agents who deal with SAG or million dollar contracts in mainstream movies or television. We don’t make enough and most of our careers aren’t long enough to have some fucking parasite attached to us. And the shitty thing is they have taken so much power for themselves that most people think they are powerless to do something about it. Remember LATATA is only a recent thing and judging by the way the industry is going now I’d say it’s time for these parasite pimp scumbags to hit the fucking road. They’ve had their chance and they fucked up. Remember everyone – YOU CAN BOOK YOUR OWN SCENES!!


Porn wasn’t always like this. It was Jim South and 3 skeezy pimps until 2006. Most girls would do 5 scenes and figure out that they could book their own scenes and dictate the terms. Now you do it out of obligation. The only way to do porn is for yourself. Thats it.. Another way it’s changed is the girls had waaaaay more say in who they worked with. You knew who would show up be cool and rip through a scene with no problem. You knew that if you worked with an A list male talent, you weren’t going to catch an infection or be treated like shit. You knew he wasn’t injecting his dick with Caverject to maintain wood. Now you get some agency/Manwin propped up fraud that never had to really prove himself to begin with. There was natural order. The strongest guys with the strongest girls. The performers had a say in what was going on. Now it’s petty grooming and guilt by an agent. I don’t want to fuck an agency. I want to fuck the girl I’m working with. The director used to actually be concerned with who wanted to fuck who. Nobody cared.It was that simple. Now it’s a fucking joke. And the joke is on you….


Fabian Thylmann Speaks

For the first time since his arrest, former Manwin front pan Fabian Thylmann goes on record at industry B2B message board and says he is not on house arrest.  Apparently any reports saying otherwise are mistaken.

He also went on to say that Manwin is the largest producer of pornography and that if they thought using other people’s content on their tube sites without a license was a problem they wouldn’t do it anymore.

He was very clear when he said “Manwin does not steal”, but when asked to explain the difference between using other people’s content without their permission on Manwin owned Tube sites and “stealing” is, he did not chose to comment.






All Bluebird Films Sites are Down due to lack of payment

For awhile now Bluebird Films has not been paying their bills.

“As many as four of my cheques are already in the “Pending” status. The employees of Bluebird Films whom I contacted earlier have stopped replying to my emails. Does anyone know how to reach them? When were the last pay-outs made? It would be a shame to put away all the traffic as the sites still sell well. I hope it’s just some kind of sad misunderstanding.”

“Bluebird not paying you? Get in line…the line starts about a mile back.  I don’t care who manages their sites….Bluebird has a well earned reputation for stiffing people on their money. Proceed with caution.”




“Bluebird has owned me thousands for over a year now. They keep making up bullshit excuses and even swore up and down that the check was in the mail three times now. Of course no check ever arrived. Lying pieces of shit.”

But now it seems they’ve not paid the wrong people and all of their websites have been taken offline.   It seems that when you don’t pay your CMS bill for more than 6 months your whole site goes poof.  Think that that big shots over at Bluebird Films would have figured that out.

blueblird films no payment

So just in case you didn’t get the message let me make it clear for you.

Bluebird Films does not pay their bills. Anyone who does any sort of business with them, does so at their own risk of not getting paid.


Atlas Multimedia Runs of With Affiliate Money

Atlas Multimedia aka Pornstar Dollars has been fucking people as far back as the Racquel Darrian days.

A few weeks ago Mike South reported that they have gone belly up.

This wasn’t a shock to me. Since last year their payments have been shotty and all the signs were there for them to bolt.

None of this shit is new. Another fucker is gone from the biz. But the best part of this story is what his brother, Mark Osterholt has to say about it all.

[source] I had nothing to do with Don Osterholt (Atlas Multimedia) going out of business or stealing your revenue-share earnings. Calling me, emails, IM’s, or contacting the Parish Sheriff “definitely” won’t help you. I’ve mentioned on industry forums for over a decade that Don was a narcissistic sociopath, liar, and a thief only to get backlash from it. Finally feels good to have my “I told you so” moment.

I walked out of Atlas Multimedia in 1997 because I watched Don shave client earnings (pre-NATS) and use stolen images to build adult pay-sites to be sold with stolen image galleries. Don was desperate to pay off SEC fines or face prison if the terms of his restitution and probation were not met from his previous failed occupation. Eventually, Atlas Multimedia did get sued twice and paid out damages for stealing adult content.

Anyway, I brought Don into the adult Internet business because of his past occupational failures and the life long family ostracization do to being institutionalized as young adult. I simply felt sorry for him. In turn, Don ended up changing business contracts, domain names, and then finally changing the company ownership agreement without my knowledge. I was completely caught off-guard by this action because well, he’s family. Then when confronted, Don got violent.

In short, I watched my ideas, two years of hard-work, and my clients investment money stolen by my own brother. After I left Atlas, Don called various agencies like the IRS, Department of Corporations, etc because of competitive jealousies or to try and push me completely out of the business. He failed, again.

The main reason I’ve mentioned all this is if Don Osterholt is willing to do all this to his only brother and true family, you will NEVER get your money back. Atlas Multimedia still owes me several thousand dollars as I’ve yet to see that or Don Osterholt in almost 17 years.

Finally, all historical information on the Don Osterholt blog is true to my knowledge.  Good luck,  Mark


What’s a little felony fraud between friends, eh?

Have you ever looked up the word “authority”?  I did recently and it said …

“The word authority can be used to mean power given by the state (in the form of Members of Parliament, Judges, Police Officers, etc.) or by academic knowledge of an area (someone can be an authority on a subject).

In October of last year I pointed out that Wicked Pictures contract performer Jessica Drake have been attempting to pass herself off as a “sexual wellness expert” which in most states is a felony.

But clearly that didn’t drive the point home because just today I seen that Jessica Drake is not only still calling herself a sexual wellness authority but she has taken it a step further and plans to lead 3 sex education seminars in Arizona.

It is a felony for anyone to pretend to be a medical expert when they are not.  You can’t just going around saying you are a doctor when you aren’t or in this particular case without actually saying “doctor” they are instead implying expert or authoritative knowledge in this specific area of study which is usually attributed to those with a degree in psychology or related area of study.  So telling people you are an authority when you aren’t really can be a very big deal … perhaps even fraud and a felony.

I mean committing fraud by calling yourself that is one thing but to actually go forth with sex education seminars is a whole now can of worms.  What the fuck is Wicked Pictures thinking about participating in this fraud and sending out press release to promote it.  This makes them a part of the felony.  And yes I do mean actual felony as most states have laws against this very thing and it falls under felony fraud.

At the time I wrote the first story last October I looked into it before making this post just to make sure I’m not mistaken but as I suspected, it turns out Jessica Drake, who has been promoting herself as a “sexual wellness authority” doesn’t have a degree in that area of study or actually any degree at all from what I can find.

Some may ask, what does it matter if she is trying to pretend like she is something she isn’t?  Who does it really hurt?

Well it hurts those who are actually qualified to be an authority on sexual wellness.  For example Dr. Victoria Zdrok who actually has a PhD in Clinical Psychology who also happens to be a former Playboy Playmate and Penthouse Pet of the Year.  She also did a few adult movies as well.  But again she has a PhD and that makes her an actual AUTHORITY on sexual wellness.

There are porn stars who go on to do things like that with their lives.  But Jessica Drake didn’t.  She just gave herself that label.  She feels she is an authority so she decided to call herself that.

Apparently just having sex with a lot of men makes this porn star and Wicked Pictures and their related PR team feel entitled to call her an “Emerging Sexual Wellness Authority” and that is a huge problem.

We have enough issues in our industry right now … do we really need to add to it by letting the mainstream media or politicians know that a porn star who no degree in this area of study and has spent years in a damaging relationship with a married man, is claiming to be an “authority on sexual wellness”?

She isn’t a doctor.  She has no degree of study in this field.   Sucking a lot of cock doesn’t make you an authority on sexual wellness.  Nor does sleeping with a married man make you an expert of relationships.  It actually kinda makes you just the opposite but that’s another story for another day.


But for those of you who don’t have a degree in clinical psychology or a related field, just being a porn star doesn’t make you an authority on all matters.  You make be able to suck a hell of a cock but that’s a far cry from an authority on sexual wellness.

So to make this clear so there is no confusion … while there are porn stars with advanced degrees, Jessica Drake does not seem to have one, at least not one that I found after reading numerous published biographies and interviews about her.  She most especially does not have a degree in psychology or any related medical field that make make her an expert or authority on sexual wellness.  She’s a porn star.  Making porn is her area of expertise.  Sexual wellness is not and continuing to say you are is fraudulent and quite possibly criminal.

And calling me a bitch doesn’t make this fact any less true.  Fraud is fraud and liking me or not liking me doesn’t really change that.









There is some big money across the pond …. $$$$

Anyone who has ever made an fuck flick will tell you, there are some big bucks being made on international deals and if your company does something to to fuck that up, it can cost your company, well everything or in the case of Manwin, millions upon millions of dollars.

I have a friend who works at Manwin and he secretly tells me that Fabian is out and it is because his arrest has cost the company millions in international deals because several companies have pulled out of lucrative deals out of fear of being associated with them.  I should mention though, by “out” I mean he’s only out of the public eye.  He’s no longer the face or front man for the Manwin investment group.

The reason is, there are some companies, rightfully so, that know that just by doing business with Manwin they are more likely to be scrutinize by various governmental agencies and that is the last thing they need so they opt instead to back off instead.

While my source can’t put an exact dollar figure on it, he did say that he knows of at least 7 different deals gone south as a result of the Fabian arrest.  He also confirmed, what we’ve all known all along that Fabian is being treated as the fall guy despite the fact that the authorities are actually looking into the whole company and their business doings, not just his personal affairs as Manwin is publicly saying.

Back in the United States, Manwin, like quite a few others in our business operates under the delusion that just because they aren’t a US based company the US laws don’t apply to them.  Funny thing is though, the United States government isn’t quite as stupid as some people tend to think they are and they have laws on the book about those companies, who while a foreign entity, still operate in some capacity in the US.  And that is what apparently is going to nail quite a few people at Manwin and no not just Fabian Thylmann.

Furthermore I am told Fabian will be stepping back from the public eye, taking less of a “managing partner” role and will now act as a more of a behind the scenes kind of guy.

However keep in mind he is a part owner in the company so he is not out, as others are suggesting.  He as a vested financial interest in Manwin so it’s not like you can just fire the guy and get rid of him.  Plus even if they did, who cares.  Manwin would just put the next puppet in his place and its business as usual.

Who will take over the public role of “boss” is uncertain at this time but two different people have taken on the role in the interim.




Programmer THEFT Alert!

Just came across an important alert about a programmer gone bad. So head’s up on dealing with this fucker. It could cost you dearly. [source]

***ALERT*** Outing a programmer that steals your sites when he gets FTP

I created a couple other threads that were vague and mostly trying to collect info on a guy who completely ripped my databases and files from server back in 2010.

His username on gfy is **** scriptguy ****** profile

He reserved 6 domain names that exactly replicate my site (which are mainstream) and is processing through 2checkout (soon to be closed).

His email addy’s are:

ICQ: 260892954

I just wanted to put this info. in a thread that was straight and to the point.

His paypal, paxum, 2checkout, godaddy etc. will all be frozen. He last logged in yesterday so somebody from this forum alerted him. I checked his profile prior and he had not logged in since January of this year.

I’m glad he knows he will be fucked.

I recommend anyone that has given him FTP access to perform programming tasks check your sites. Mainly, google your sites and make sure he didn’t do the same to you as he did me.

His main site is

Add to the ban list please

What the fuck? Is there a full moon or something??

Is it a full moon or what?  Damn.  Lost of shit going down right now.  Look at all the crazy shit going on in porn right now.


Briana Banks arrested last week for DUI.  [source]

Then a few days later (last Thursday apparently) Fabian over at Manwin has been arrested and has been sitting in jail for days over a big tax evasion bust and the entire company is now subject to a tax evasion probe. [source]

Then we hear that adult model Katie King kills herself [source]

Next we hear shit is hitting the fan over at Elegant Angel with a nasty divorce in the works and the wife is wanting more than half … she wants the entire company!  [source]

Next we have Larry Flynt say fuck the AVN show.  According to the story he will not be exhibitng at the AEE show in Las Vegas this year, he will not be buying ads in AVN magazine or their website and he will not be going to the AVN show for the first time, ever.  [source]


Is the FBI knocking at Manwin’s Door?

As with any story we’ve ever posted on this site, we don’t know if this story is true or not BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Mike South recently hinted [source] at one hell of a shake down that may be in the works in regards to Manwin and some serious legal troubles.


“But there maybe a light at the end of the tunnel, it seems the FBI made a statement in a recent story that they were being careful not to jeopardize an ongoing investigation in an adult company with ties to laundering money through Isreal….Interesting….Mansef which was Manwin before Fabian was put in place forfeited over 12 million dollars to make illegal money transfer charges go away…the country they were laundering through…Isreal.”

I was once told Fabian said he doesn’t give two shits about the FBI because his company isn’t in the US and doesn’t have to play by their rules. So wonder how this will play out.



Universal Studios Sues Porn Co.’s Are Ripping Off ’50 Shades of Grey’

TMZ is reporting [source] that Universal Studios is pissed off about some porn companies over their parody or so called parody of 50 Shades of Grey.  They are claiming the works weren’t a a parody and in fact were stealing the movie rights.  They are also going after those companies who made the “50 Shades” themed sex toys.  The so called parodies lifted exact dialog, characters, events stories and even the style of the Fifty Shades trilogy … at least they did in the Smash  Pictures one. I suspect things are going to get down right ugly on this one.
You can’t just shoot a filthy porno and call it “50 Shades of Grey” — at least according to Universal Studios, which is now suing several XXX companies for ripping off its “50 Shades” movie rights.Universal filed the lawsuit against three porn companies, claiming they illegally made an unauthorized film — called “Fifty Shades of Grey: a XXX Adaptation” — as well as bootleg “50 Shades”-themed sex toys.Universal — along with Fifty Shades Ltd. — claims the film isn’t parody, and therefore isn’t protected under the First Amendment.According to the suit, “The first XXX adaptation … does not comment on, criticize, or ridicule the originals. It is a rip-off, plain and simple.”The suit continues, “By lifting exact dialogue, characters, events, story, and style from the Fifty Shades trilogy, [producer] Smash Pictures ensured that the first XXX adaptation was, in fact, as close as possible to the original works.”

The suit claims two additional XXX films are currently in the works — and an accompanying sex toy set called “Fifty Shades of Pleasure” has already been released.

Universal wants damages — plus an injunction blocking any further releases of the film.

So far, no gag orders have been issued.