Fabian Thylmann of Manwin speaks out about helping the industry

Fabian Thylman recently posted on XBIZ.net and says that Manwin isn’t going to help the industry anymore with things like the performer testing subsidy because Mike South was mean to him and we didn’t all suck his dick and say thank you.


“And no, I have not a single time heard from anyone in the industry that they were greatful that I spent all that money. Except for Diane I guess.

But as you see for yourself, its all Mike’s doing anyway.. he is your savior, without him Manwin would have never paid…


Justin, I am sorry, but I gave up trying to help… I am not interested in the negativity people like Mike spread, and maybe I am wrong to care that much about his actions, but at some point enough is enough…

If you or talent is wondering who is at fault that I have given up trying to help the industry… look no further than Mike South.”

Memorial Day Memories and Problems

There are days like today that I am reminded how stupid some people really are. They were interviewing a lady on the news who said she loved the city she lives in but the one thing she doesn’t like is how many new restaurants the city is building when there are all these homeless people around.  Instead of creating all of those new jobs with those new businesses she thinks it was a better idea to just give all that money to the poor people like her so they could pay it forward more easily.

I seriously sometimes just smack my head to my forehead on that one.

But it brings up a good point … and that point is, sometimes people really get caught up focusing on the wrong thing. This person like many others feel entitled and that rich people should just give them money because clearly they have it, I mean if those people can afford to build a new restaurant, why not just give it to her instead? The lady and others like her don’t get that this simple new business will create countless new jobs but beyond those people who will be hired as waitresses, cooks, cleaners, security, etc., they will also be doing business with other people like the guy who supplies them with the meats and fish. Then there is the guy who they buy that laundry service from to wash all of their linens each day.

This of course helps all of those companies as well, who also have their own employees and it’s a never ending cycle that helps to improve the economy as a whole.

So back to my point, which as you might have guessed has nothing to do with that dumb ass lady on the news, but about porn itself.  Sometimes we all get so caught up in our own ideas, hates, annoyances, that we don’t stand back and really see the big picture or as my grandmother likes to say, we can’t see the forest for the trees.

No things in our industry aren’t perfect right now.

I don’t know if the rumor is true that Steve Hirsch from Vivid really tried to hire Mr. Marcus _AFTER_ he faked his syphilis test, but if that rumor is true, well that’s just fucked up.

I don’t know if the rumor is true that one studio owner who is HIV positive is really have sexual contact with female performers on the set (even if it is just finger fucking her) without those young girls knowing he is HIV positive,well if that rumor is true, that’s just really fucked up too.

But in the end, despite these kind of problems, we are all so caught up in hating on each other we are forgetting to see the big picture – and that is, if we don’t shut the fuck up sometimes and at least try and work together for the big issues, then we are going to have more problems than we have right now.

So on this Memorial day I ask that you first and foremost honor those who deserve it most, our troops. Then sit back and really think about the big picture. Don’t think about how much you hate this person or that person … just think for a moment about something you can do to help our industry and who you might be able to do it with, even if it is a person you don’t like.

I think Fabian from Manwin is a jackass. I have made my feelings about him to him very clear on more than one occasion, but if he came to me tomorrow and told me he would give me the money to help someone in our industry – some sort of performer friendly project, I would consider working with him.  I may not like him, but sometimes you have to put your feelings aside and look at the big picture. I probably wouldn’t trust him enough to actually do anything with him for real, but I would be mature enough to at least consider it. And that’s what I am asking each of you to do as well on this day.

Let’s put our hate aside for this one day and think about others for once. Think about what we can do to really solve some of our industry problems.


Fabian Thylmann Speaks

For the first time since his arrest, former Manwin front pan Fabian Thylmann goes on record at industry B2B message board and says he is not on house arrest.  Apparently any reports saying otherwise are mistaken.

He also went on to say that Manwin is the largest producer of pornography and that if they thought using other people’s content on their tube sites without a license was a problem they wouldn’t do it anymore.

He was very clear when he said “Manwin does not steal”, but when asked to explain the difference between using other people’s content without their permission on Manwin owned Tube sites and “stealing” is, he did not chose to comment.






There is some big money across the pond …. $$$$

Anyone who has ever made an fuck flick will tell you, there are some big bucks being made on international deals and if your company does something to to fuck that up, it can cost your company, well everything or in the case of Manwin, millions upon millions of dollars.

I have a friend who works at Manwin and he secretly tells me that Fabian is out and it is because his arrest has cost the company millions in international deals because several companies have pulled out of lucrative deals out of fear of being associated with them.  I should mention though, by “out” I mean he’s only out of the public eye.  He’s no longer the face or front man for the Manwin investment group.

The reason is, there are some companies, rightfully so, that know that just by doing business with Manwin they are more likely to be scrutinize by various governmental agencies and that is the last thing they need so they opt instead to back off instead.

While my source can’t put an exact dollar figure on it, he did say that he knows of at least 7 different deals gone south as a result of the Fabian arrest.  He also confirmed, what we’ve all known all along that Fabian is being treated as the fall guy despite the fact that the authorities are actually looking into the whole company and their business doings, not just his personal affairs as Manwin is publicly saying.

Back in the United States, Manwin, like quite a few others in our business operates under the delusion that just because they aren’t a US based company the US laws don’t apply to them.  Funny thing is though, the United States government isn’t quite as stupid as some people tend to think they are and they have laws on the book about those companies, who while a foreign entity, still operate in some capacity in the US.  And that is what apparently is going to nail quite a few people at Manwin and no not just Fabian Thylmann.

Furthermore I am told Fabian will be stepping back from the public eye, taking less of a “managing partner” role and will now act as a more of a behind the scenes kind of guy.

However keep in mind he is a part owner in the company so he is not out, as others are suggesting.  He as a vested financial interest in Manwin so it’s not like you can just fire the guy and get rid of him.  Plus even if they did, who cares.  Manwin would just put the next puppet in his place and its business as usual.

Who will take over the public role of “boss” is uncertain at this time but two different people have taken on the role in the interim.