Someone recently posted that a movie was being shot in Miami with a $1 million dollar budget. Below is exactly what was said on Adult FYI but right away I knew something wasn’t right. Someone in Miami shooting with a million dollar budget? Bull fucking shit. If the report would have said $10,000 budget or maybe even $15,000 that would have been far more believable. The next day a new post went up on Adult FYI about the girl in question being Shawna Lenee.

original image of Shawna Lenee from HD Porn
Sgt. Schultz writes: I recently heard that a big new porn company is all pissed off because a very expensive movie they are shooting in Miami had to be delayed because a mental case big star actress freaked out on set and split Miami in the middle of the movie.
They were stuck driving girls around in limos, keeping them in expensive hotels and entertaining them hoping to get this ladirect model back so they can complete the movie and keep the budget under a million bucks.
Holy shit how do you let something like that happen. One crew member said her ego was hurt and that is why she ran off. Maybe we will see her soon in one of those dipshit parodies This Ain’t Good For Business XXX.
Pringles writes me: Who the fuck is Sgt Schultz??
There’s two sides to every story.
He is obviously referring to Shawna Lenee last week in Miami on the FyreTV/Josh Stone Productions shoot.
Bullshit that it is a million dollar shoot. hahahaha
Shawna tweeted about it and says that she was assaulted on set by Josh Stone’s wife/girlfriend. According to Shawna she didn’t bail on them, in fact they renegotiated with them to get more money rather than Shawna calling the police to report the assault.
So what the hell really went down that day? Well according to my sources and with the help of Shawna Lenee’s own twitter account we were able to piece together a far more accurate version of the story.
Shawna Lenee with the help of LA Direct Models went into negotiations for her first ever anal scene. They wanted big bucks … far far more inflated price than it was worth, at least what I was hearing. I mean your average girl may do it for $5,000 for her first time but I heard Shawna Lenee wanted in the ballpark of $15,000 to $20,000. Don’t know if that is true, but that is what I heard from a couple of different people. Now keep in mind the typical cost to book a performer like Shawna Lenee for normal boy / girl sex is around $1,500 per scene.
Now the deal was done and Shawna Lenee went off to Miami to shoot her scene. She was working for a company called Josh Stone Productions who was in turn making the movie for Fyre TV.
The first real sign of trouble we got was when Shawna Lenee tweeted ……

Then came the next series of tweets where Shawna Lenee talks about then not being the smartest people and other related insults. She also talks about how a member of the crew tried to fight with her on the set.

I heard the crew member in question grabbed her arm, strong enough to at least leave a red mark and possibly pulled Shawna Lenee’s hair when she tried to walk away. Witnesses said Shawna Lenee was “noticeably upset” and “very shaken by the whole ordeal” and that the party in question extremely overacted.
I asked if Shawna Lenee was being her typically rumored diva self on the set and from what I was told, she was a little bit being a problem. “But that’s just her way”. One person said that Shawna Lenee was being a little diva like but it was her first anal scene and she was probably just nervous about it.
Now take special note on this part of the tweet

So on top of everything else Shawna Lenee commits a crime, taking a bribe instead of reporting a crime – but even worse she then tweets about doing it, like a dumb ass.
But that isn’t even the best part of the story.
After all of this drama and mess, Shawna Lenee doesn’t even get paid. The check Josh Stone productions gave her bounced. Then they told her they would wire the money and it should hit her account by 9 am today. As of 3 pm the money still wasn’t there.
So here is how all that went down. The next day they got Shawna Lenee to come back on set and they shot her. They gave her a check for the agreed upon amount but it was hand written. The bank was a little suspicious so put a 10 day hold on it. Sure enough, it bounced.

And you would think at this point the story would be over, right? Well how wrong you would be. According to Shawna Lenee, in her contract Fyre TV can’t just release her anal scene on the web. It has to be released on the DVD as well and apparently Fyre TV apparently has suggested otherwise and now she’s pissed, reminding them that they agreed it wouldn’t just be a web scene.

This story is just so crazy and fucked up you almost don’t even want to believe it all really happens. So in the end who is to blame? Normally I would put all of this on Shawna Lenee’s lap because she has such a history of drama, drama, drama but to be honest, I don’t know if even a normal chick could have kept their cool under the circumstances she was put under and now bouncing her check? That’s some real bullshit there.
I also lay some blame on her agents. Why was a star dealing with payment issues in the first place? Shouldn’t a company who has clearly had money issues in the past paid LA Direct Models directly and then they could have paid the model, taking the hassle out of the star’s life? I don’t think a star should have to chase down her payment. That kind of petty bullshit really should be handled in advance by her agent. Period.