It’s a BOY! Well, it will be!

I know I’m a little slow on announcing it but hey maybe there are others out there like me who didn’t know either. 🙂


Former Digital Playground contract star has been busy lately preparing for the arrival of her baby. She tells her fans via twitter that she is due on April 16, 2014 and that it will be a boy that she will be naming James Raymond.

Congrats Bibi Jones!

You can follow Bibi Jones via twitter @_BiBiJones



Good Riddens to Bad Rubbish

AVN is reporting that Bibi Jones is leaving porn.  My parents always told me if I don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all, so on that note … I will just post for you AVN’s story regarding the matter. 

Digital Playground contract star BiBi Jones has decided to end her performing career.

In a video posted to her Facebook page under her real name, Britney Maclin, a clearly emotional Jones quotes from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and says that she’s leaving her performing career behind. Jones’ Facebook page was made private earlier this morning.

“I’m only 20-years-old,” she says in the video. “The earlier I get out of this industry, the better it’s going to be. I have nothing negative to say about porn or the people involved in it. It’s not for me.”

Jones, who was nominated for Best New Starlet at the 2012 AVN Awards, made her Digital Playground debut last May in Assassins, after signing with the company in December 2010.

Before signing the deal with Digital Playground, Jones worked for a brief time under the name Britney Beth, and shot for Hustler Video, Twistys, JM Productions, Immoral Productions and North Pole Enterprises, among others.

She’s appeared on the cover of a plethora of men’s magazines and gained mainstream notoriety last year when a photo of her wearing the jersey of New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski (with a shirtless Gronk standing next to her) went viral.

“I guess [I’ll] start fresh and try to become a better person,” she said. “I’m truly sorry to Digital [Playground], Manwin and everyone I let down.”

Sports Agent Pimps out Bibi Jones

As if doing the janitor wasn’t enough, now news has come out that a well known sports agent has been pimping out Bibi Jones to potential clients with instructions to “seduce them”.  Obvious legal ramifications aside, the rumor is that the NFL is looking into these allegations with possible sanctions for players or any teams involved with Bibi Jones.

All of this came to light after Bibi Jones did an interview on Sports Radio [source] during which time the interviewer asked her

“How do you meet all these athletes?” and she responded by saying “For a while, I knew an agent in town and he would kind of use me to get baseball players to sign him as an agent.”

The big scandal really all began when she tweeted pictures wearing an official New England Patriots jersey and was seen with Rob Gronkowski.  A guy from sports radio immediately knew what he was seeing and grabbed an interview with her before the shit really hit the fan.  It was said at the time of the interview she didn’t know of any trouble brewing so spoke openly about hooking with sports professionals.  (see full interview below)  The rumor is the morals clause of his NFL contract will come into play here.  As far as the agent in question goes, there are only speculations and rumors right now.


As bye weeks go, Rob Gronkowski seemed to make pretty good use of his. The New England Patriots tight end was apparently in Arizona during the team’s off week, because pictures surfaced on Twitter of him shirtless with adult film star Bibi Jones wearing his Patriots’ jersey. Jones says she didn’t sleep with Gronkowski, but wishes it would have happened.

Unfortunately for Gronkowski, that story seems to stack up well given the fact that Jones is so open about who else she has slept with. She says she slept with Phoenix Coyotes’ player Paul Bissonnette, even though he’s denying it, and has been with Atlanta Braves second baseman Dan Uggla, as well as numerous others that she can’t divulge because some are married. She also says an agent in Phoenix used to have her sleep with potential clients so they would sign with him.

Bibi Jones joined 98.5 The Sports Hub in Boston with Toucher and Rich to discuss how she met Gronkowski, the pictures with her wearing his jersey, watching her films with Gronkowski and his friends, why nothing happened between the two of them, her attraction to Gronkowski and other stars that she has been with.

How long have you known Rob?:

“I just met him this weekend ’cause we have mutual friends who played football with him at the University of Arizona.”

OK, so you just met him, but now the pictures are flying around with you in his jersey. Do you own a Gronkowski jersey or is he just walking around with his jersey?:

“I didn’t know who he was. My friends just invited me over and we were all hanging out and he’s like this huge dude. I didn’t know who he was so I asked him what he did for work, so he told me, and I was like, ‘That’s cool.’ We ended up, it was like me and six or seven other guys and him and we ended up watching one of my movies.”

Whoa. So what’s Rob’s reaction during all of this?:

“He was very polite and such a gentlemen. He wasn’t a creeper or anything.”

So, once again, where did the jersey come into play?:

“He just carries it around with him. That’s what I asked, ‘So you just have a jersey?’ He was like, ‘Yeah, for times like this.’ … He had it in his suitcase.”

Did he know you were an adult film star before you went over?:

“Yeah, that’s why they invited me over. They were like, ‘Dude, you’ve got to meet this girl. We’re friends with her. She’s a porn star.’”

But you’re saying that nothing happened?:

“Nothing happened. I wish something had, but nothing happened. … I asked if I could have some pictures with him and he said, ‘Yeah, wait, put on my jersey.’ I said, ‘OK.’ We were taking pictures. I asked him if I could put it on Twitter because some athletes wouldn’t want that since I do do adult films and they don’t want to be associated with that. He was really cool with it because I have more Twitter followers than him.”

Some of these guys that you work with aren’t the best-looking guys. Gronkowski must have appeared pretty attractive compared to some of them:

“Yeah, he was like a dream come true. I really, really, really wish that it would’ve happened, but I’m not going to throw myself on someone. … I think maybe my friends would have been mad at me.”

Did you guys exchange phone numbers or at least talk about meeting up again?:

“No, there wasn’t, but I’m sure we will. It’s going to happen.”

Now, you were hanging out with Phoenix Coyotes’ Paul Bissonnette recently as well, right?:

“You know, I did screw him, and he denied it. … He went on the radio and said that he didn’t, but he totally did.”

What? Why would he deny that?:

“Because athletes and movie stars and everything, they don’t want to be associated with people in porn. They think it’s bad. Come on, it’s 2011, things are going to happen.”

What other stars have you been with?:

“I’ve been with lots, but most of them are married.” How about the ones that aren’t married?: “Dan Uggla. There’s a lot, but I can’t say.”

How do you meet all these athletes?:

“For a while, I knew an agent in town and he would kind of use me to get baseball players to sign him as an agent.”

Bibi Jones Puts DP Girls “At Risk” for HIV Exposure

When you hear something like “I know a girl that told me when she went to cali to shoot, before she shot with the male talent she went downstairs and fucked the camera guy, and i’m sure it was bare too” the last thing you think is behavior like that comes from a highly paid contract girl with one of the top rated companies in the business.  But turns out that isn’t the case at all.  According to some sources over at AVN owned GFY, Bibi Jones went on Howard Stern today and admitted to fucking guys (yes as in more than one) without a condom off set, before going to work – at least three of them including a janitor she met in the bathroom at a movie theater.

With almost every recent HIV scare in the adult industry in the last decade it was due to things like this.  So I wonder if Digital Playground knows that Bibi Jones is putting their million dollar golden girls like Jesse Jane and Kayden Kross at serious risk?

click here to see the youtube clip of her admitting to her high risk behavior

Of course she also claims that at 6 years old she was doing full girl on girl sex.  So who knows what the fuck is really true.

 If you don’t want to go through the whole interview basically after telling about wanting ot fuck her cousin she goes on to say how Jesse Jane is 31 and jealous of her youth.

Yep, Bibi Jones actually did that.  Said Jesse Jane is old and jealous of her.  So if the last ordeal wasn’t enough, going on Howard Stern and saying Jesse Jane is jealous if you wasn’t enough …. putting them at risk of getting HIV surely has to be.



More on the Bibi Jones Bullshit

Adult Cybermart ran a story today about Bibi Jones quoting this person who still claims he isn’t BiBi Jones using a fake name.  Now you may recall that previous he claimed to be a business professional, marketing guru and legal expert.  Well now apparently he is a webmaster as well and claims that a few thousands members would line up to pay money for her website and that she would be making $60,000 to $70,000 a month.

No seriously.  He really said that.

“If she attracted a few thousand members who’d pay $19.95 a month, that sounds like $60K or $70K a month? Basically that’s the deal. I don’t see how she loses either way. “I’m not some retard falling off the bus,” MFOB assures me.  

“But I’m here to protect her interests. You can be sure any bullies, any swine, any hustlers, anything that tries to get in her way will be met with attack.”

Every time this guy opens his mouth he shows how little he really knows about the business.  If she could really make $60k to $70k a month then by all means she needs to get on it.  However as I have 15 years experience in that specific thing and I can tell you, she won’t make more than $2,000.  I’ve seen her numbers she just doesn’t have that many fans.

As far as Jesse Jane goes, the story on Mike South today pretty much says it best …

Jesse Jane: One of the few proven commodities in Porn. Name anyone who’s been as consistent both on camera and off as Jesse. On camera, she’s pretty much followed the dream scenario of a successful porn career. Always leave them wanting more. Off,  She’s one of the most liked performers by the media, always positive, no attitude,  A total pro.  The Perfect face for Digital Playground.

Of course the best part of that story on Mike South was about Bibi Jones.  “Is this the new age Digital Playground contract star? Pick up random untested strangers, have un protected Sex anywhere, anytime, go back to work, spread the love?


Did Bibi Jones Just Cost DP Some $$?

Times are tough right now and every single deal you can make matters with the way things are going. But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already fucking know. Shit sucks right now and for some two bit whore to open her stupid mouth and ruin some potentially lucrative promotional deals for Digital Playground has to be fucking the stupidest thing ever.

So what the fuck am I talking about?

Last week Bibi Jones, under a fake name sent out a series of inflammatory emails to all the gossip sites, online news sites and any other remotely relevant adult blog she could find.

In the email she called Jesse Jane fat, old and said she was jealous of her. Had she just left it at that, it might not have been so bad. Sure trashing a fellow contract girl isn’t the smartest move ever, but whatever, it wasn’t anything bad enough where it might have cost the company money.

But then the dumb cunt takes it a step further and starts laying into Riley Steele. She tells people, not really fucking sure how many but enough that the information got around, that Riley Steele is unreliable, about to be fired by Digital Playground and that she has a “serious substance abuse problem”.

Now for just a moment think about someone who might be considering working with Digital Playground for a magazine layout, an interview, a store signing for the latest release or anything of that nature? Hearing what Bibi Jones is going around spreading about Riley Steele, would you want to work with her?

That is in a nutshell the big fucking deal. Bibi Jones cost Digital Playground at least 1 deal that I know of, and who knows how much long term damage she did to the company’s reputation as well as Riley Steele’s.

The people I work with didn’t want me to make this post because they thought it might be inflammatory but I said I don’t give two shits about that. If BiBi Jones wanted attention, which you know she did by the fucking stupid emails she is sending out, I say we give it to her.

BiBi Jones sent the emails out under a fake name. She pretended she was a man. She would later go on to Twitter under a similar fake name, pretending she was an older man, well established in business.

Here are some of the problems with that. I got these from someone else, so I don’t want to take credit for coming up with them but still I am using them because they are good fucking points.

Men and women are very different. When a man is insulting a woman he would do it different than another female would. Females are brutal and they go for the throat. Where a man would be like ah that dumb bitch, a woman will nit pick every little thing about her looks. Only another female would go into detail about how Jesse Jane is over weight. A man doesn’t give two shits about the way fat shifts in a body. Who the fuck would even think about some shit like that? Apparently another female would.

Next problem with her emails, if this really was just some random fan that supports BiBi Jones and she had nothing to do with the emails, then how would he have insider information about Riley Steele’s relationship with Digital Playground and her ability to make scheduled meetings or appointments and fulfill her contractual obligations?

Nobody that doesn’t work with DP would be privy to any of that fucking information.

Next remember the part where this fake man is claiming to be business savvy? Someone pretended to him the scenario that what Bibi Jones is doing is like some American Idol reject telling a rock legend like Bob Dylan to move aside because he’s old and doesn’t know anything. Jesse Jane is a legend in porn, Bibi Jones has made what? 2 movies? Maybe 3? Who the fuck does she think she is?

Show some fucking respect already.

Selena Rose …. who?

Digital Playground is notorious for one thing, not for great porn but for how they treat their contract stars.   They fall over themselves to promote their favorite star Jesse Jane while at the same time ignoring pretty much everyone else.  It makes one wonder, why even put anyone else under contract if you are just going to threat them like second class citizens?  I truly never understood this about Digital Playground.

While I admit recently they have been giving some promotion to Riley Steele who I hear is being groomed to take over Jesse Jane’s spot as #1 girl when Jesse retires, what about the other girls?  Did you know that Selena Rose is still under contract with DP?  I sure didn’t.  I didn’t even remember she existed until a friend mentions her today as they came across her twitter page by accident.   And then there is the new girl Bibi Jones.  I quite honestly forgot about her too until I started writing this.  They did the same thing to Morgan Dayne, who they renamed Rio Valentine.

It just seems very strange to me how much attention they put into their favorites and how little everyone else gets.  I don’t understand it and I guess I never will.


Digital Playground Signs Bibi Jones


With her wholesome charm and playful innocence, BiBi makes a perfect addition to Digital Playground’s line-up of luscious Contract Girls

December 22, 2010 — VAN NUYS, Calif. — Digital Playground, the award-winning studio and leading provider of world-class adult entertainment, is pleased to announcethat it has signed an exclusive deal with BiBi Jones, making her the newest and youngest addition to the studio’s elite roster of world-renowned talent.

“This is the best Christmas present ever!” says BiBi. “I’m so excited! I can’t wait to get started.” Born and raised in Oklahoma, the 19-year-old loves country music and aspires to be the “Taylor Swift of porn”. She isn’t the least bit shy about her super sexual nature, “I’ve always wanted to be that girl on film getting fucked!” she says, “I want to make this a career and do the best work that I can.”

“Digital Playground has always maintained the highest quality above and beyond, with everything from our movies, novelties and especially our girls,” says Samantha Lewis, Digital Playground CEO. “BiBi Jones is a perfect fit for DP with her flawless beauty, gorgeous body and innocent smile. She’s not just another pretty face. She’s a star in the making.”

Joone, Digital Playground Founder and award-winning director says BiBi’s quite a find, “Besides her stunning beauty and amazing body, what BiBi also brings to the table is a genuine sweetness. She’s charming and innocent, yet she has this remarkable sex appeal.”

BiBi’s first Digital Playground movie will be shot in January. If you want to meet BiBi, be sure to stop by Digital Playground’s booth at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas January 6-9. Bibi will also be joining Jesse Jane for a live video chat on this Thursday December 23rd at 7pm PT / 10pm ET.