Manwin Rumor Alert

What I’m about to post probably won’t come as a surprise to most.  I’ve been doing some digging and talking with some Manwin employees who work at the various websites and companies bought out by the company.  Not surprisingly all were eager to chat but begged to keep their identities a secret.

“When we got bought out, I wasn’t happy.  Nobody really was.  It’s embarrassing now to tell people you work for Manwin.  You know you are working for the devil, but what can you do?  Times are tough and I need to support my family.”

“Working for Manwin is like being in a lion’s den.  Everyone puts on a fake smile but you know the second you turn your back you’ll get the sting of a sharp tooth in your back.”

“We are given things to say when people say things about our involvement in the tubes like pornhub but we all know it’s bullshit and it just eats at you after awhile.  You know you are lying out your ass, but what the fuck can you do?”

“They will tell you whatever you want to hear when they first buy you out to keep you in line and make the transition go smoothly, while behind closed doors they are plotting to fire your fucking ass.  You don’t matter to them.  No matter how great you think you are and may be, you aren’t shit to Manwin.  You are nothing to them and never will be.”

“I never felt dirty being in porn before I started working for Manwin.”



Porn Hackers Strike Again

A few weeks ago news broke that Manwin’s sites have been compromised and tens of thousands of customers information may have been compromised.  This hack included the Brazzers’s forums.  Anyone who had an account there had their information compromised.  While they were busy backtracking claiming the hack was no big deal they apparently forgot to sure up the security on their other assets because on February 23rd YouPorn got hacked [source] which compromised an estimated 1 million accounts and the hackers even posted the list of YouPorn users and their email addresses.

This is a big deal for a few reasons …

  • First and foremost it directly links you to a site that illegal streams stolen porn which means that could potentially be used against you in those “John Doe Lawsuits” which could cost you hundreds or even a few thousands of dollars, depending on how active int he youporn site you were.
  • Next it’s a big deal because the hackers posted every users email address and that means every jack ass spammer out there has taken that list and put it in their database.  Now you are going to start getting way more spam.
  • Now people know you are into porn.  If you have enemies and are in a situation that viewing porn online could compromise you, well … an enemy could use that list against you.
  • And last but surely not least, it’s a big deal because more often than not people use the same email address and password for multiple sites so if they stole them for one site, they may now have access to your other accounts like paypal and amazon and whatnot.  So BE SURE AND CHANGE ALL YOUR PASSWORDS IMMEDIATELY!

So now it seems the hackers have struck another Manwin owned site again.  Manwin (aka Brazzers) recently took control of Digital Playground including their family of websites and what they apparently forgot to do is make sure security was strong, especially after the their other sites started to get hacked.

So tonight Jesse Jane tweeted about her site being down, it’s been down over an hour now and her site isn’t alone.  The main Digital Playground site is down as well.


There is no official news who has hacked the site yet or what information (if any) will be exposed for the Digital Playground customers but since their DVD store was also hacked, it could potentially be a very big deal, including the loss of username and passwords as well as email addresses and credit card numbers and maybe (possibly) your home address!


Manwin Goes on the Defensive

This just in …….. GET OUT YOUR BOOTS BOYS AND GIRLS, the shit is getting thick in here … said with my finest, folksy Texan accent.  Love it?  Hee!  You know you do! 😛

For awhile now Manwin has owned and operated several of the largest ILLEGAL tube sites in the world, displaying videos they don’t own or have the rights to on these websites.  Companies request the videos get removed, sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t and even if they do the videos go right back up there.  They then feed these videos through to the members area of Brazzers as well. Nice way to side skirt that law about theft, right?  They just blame it on their users.  Sure they benefit from it but hey, what’s a little law skirting between friends, right?

Manwin will give you some big bullshit song and dance how technically what they do isn’t against the law but all know the truth and hey, so do the guys from Mega Upload.  Just ask KimDotCom how that’s going for him.

So back to Manwin, today they are claiming they have no relation with Filesonic or ANY file sharing site.  REALLY?  REALLY???  Apparently they don’t realize that just because they call it something else, it’s still an illegal file sharing website.  A tube site in fact that shares  stolen movie clips, which is what they are nailing those guys for.  So basically they got all mad because someone on GFY was like omg Manwin is in with Filesonic and they demanded the little guy on GFY who posted the story prove it or get banned.   The guy wasn’t smart enough to prove it through proving that their 8 or so illegal tube sites are in fact FILE SHARING WEBSITES, so he got banned.


Manwin Denies Relations with Filesonic or Any File Sharing Site

The company, which also owns Brazzers, has issued a rare public statement denying a claim made by a GFY poster, and is seeking ‘proof or ban’ over the poster’s claims

Adult industry powerhouse Manwin has reacted quickly to deny comments made in a thread posted to Wednesday morning in which the original poster makes several claims, including this one: “Turns out that FileSonic is owned and operated by the same people who own Brazzers, how about that?” In reaction, Manwin has taken the rare step of issuing a public statement demanding that GFY administrators commence an immediate “proof or ban” action against the poster.

The Manwin statement—which is directed at GFY admins but which also promises a “swift response” in reaction to anyone who clains that Manwin has “relations” with Filesonic, a file sharing site that just disabled its file sharing function in the wake of the Megaupload closure by the Feds—is posted here in its entirety:

“In response to false allegations linking Manwin to FileSonic, made today on the industry message board GFY, Manwin issues the following statement:

“Manwin, which owns Brazzers, has no relations—business or otherwise—to FileSonic, nor to any other file sharing sites. Any statement otherwise is a fabrication, and will be met with a swift response.

“GFY rule #9 guards against false accusations:

“False accusations against a person or company. We all want to know what companies and individuals have done you wrong. Just make sure you back any claims you make up with solid proof. If you plan on calling someone a scammer, liar, cheat, or anything else, have your proof in order and post it with your claim. False accusations will be grounds for immediate banning.

“In light of the above, Manwin requests GFY look into the thread started by “bbm” and request the user prove their claim, or face immediate banning—as per the message board’s policy.”

Manwin’s response has been posted to the GFY thread, and GFY’s Eric Matis has confirmed that the poster was banned for making accusations without providing proof.

The guy who was banned “BBM” was a member of GFY since 2005. Here is his post, which will no doubt be deleted and magically disappear soon enough.  I’ll bold the part that got him nailed.

In the last few days there was a lot of fuss about all these file sharing sites shutting down which got me interested so I did a little digging and found out a few surprising details. Turns out that FileSonic is owned and operated by the same people who own Brazzers, how about that? This information seems to be kept a secret pretty good, but here and there stuff leaks. I’ve talked to a friend of mine who had some copyright issues with FileSonic and he managed to get the records unsealed during some legal proceedings and he was pretty shocked to find out who the real owners were. I guess that is why they’ve split for cover and effectively shut the whole thing down, cos let’s face it, being in Canada and USA and all is not very good for you freedom options these days if you own a site like that. There are also a few more interesting facts. It seems like FileSonic were redirecting traffic, spreading it across a ton of domains to keep traffic rankings significantly lower than they really are, check out, and the rest! Combined traffic of FileSonic alone is probably bigger than that of Megaupload. (owned by Choopa) shut down was motivated by exactly same reason in my opinion, being way too large and being in USA. Getting one of the biggest file sharing host is a pretty smart move for Choopa. All this makes me think that Megaupload was probably not the biggest or the baddest out there. These two combined probably were and are still pretty monstrous, not to mention the fact that each of them operated several quite large satellite services like WUpload for FileSonic and UploadStation and FileJungle for FileServe.

I also think that may be we are getting too worried and making a big mistake here getting all nasty towards older, managable hosts. If Brazzers owned one, it sure as hell was good for them and they do not delete their stuff from anywhere, even from other hosts. I also spoke with a few guys from several affiliate programs and they say they don’t bother too much about their content being hosted there cos it’s a free ad space. Lots of people come and buy memberships (provided of course the site is good enough to justify that).

Also I think that if a person doesn’t want to buy or can’t buy a membership they won’t do it no matter if the content is there or not. Those guys also told me that getting stuff removed is pretty simple as these hosts are easy to talk to most of the time. So instead of fighting them may be we should consider working with them on some sort of beneficial partnership? You guys willing to entertain ideas on that?

All these folks who got kicked out of all the major dead or dying hosts are going to look elsewhere and new players will start popping up which in fact is a lot worse than dealing with those familiar hosts we have online now. New guys will have to be aggressive to grow fast. So attention should be paid.

Anyway there is a lot of food for thought here. May be they are not as bad as we think? Look at Brazzers and a few other big sponsors they do not care much about their content being shared and I think they either know smth we don’t or have a vision.

What we should worry about are those damned tubes, like

It’s Alexa is 50 and you can find anything there from every sponsor, free, and that seems really dangerous to me.

So what do you think about all of that?

Did Playboy get what it deserved with Lindsey Lohan theft?

So does nobody besides me find it amazingly ironic that they are pissed about their Lindsey Lohan issue being stolen when they just signed a deal with Manwin?

For those that don’t get the joke let me explain … Manwin owns 5 of the world’s largest illegal tube sites including and  They made millions of dollars stealing movies from other studios and then took that money they made by stealing content from others to build their ever-growing porn empire.

So Playboy decides to then hand over control of all of the Playboy websites and Playboy TV to these guys and then has the nerve to bitch when someone like them steals their precious magazine? LOL Fucking morons.

What are you trying to say, Playboy?  It’s okay if Manwin stole from everyone else, just as long as it doesn’t happen to you.  Right?


Theft is never okay Playboy.  Now you know how we all feel when we find OUR movies on Manwin’s illegal tube sites.  We don’t like to have our shit stolen any more than you do.  So why then do you continue to associate and do business with a company who does such things?


Every time I find one of my movies on their illegal tube sites, I curse you, Playboy, for associating yourself with them.  Just keep that in mind next time you want to bitch about someone stealing your shit.

YOU chose to get in bed with thieves.  YOU made that decision.  As long as your company continues to throw your weight and support behind such thieves, then how can you really bitch when they steal from you?





Manwin Bans ALL .XXX Associations

Manwin, who I think we all will agree now owns a controlling share of the actual internet, or at least the adult portion has made a very interesting decision today.  Effective immediately they will not only refuse to do any sort of business themselves in terms of buying .xxx domain names, they will also not do any business with anyone who does.  This includes buying ad space, selling ad space, buying content, selling content, affiliates and so on.

So anyone who owns a .xxx will flat out find themselves not able to do any sort of business at all with any Manwin owned or run websites which includes Wicked, Twistys, Brazzers and well quite honestly far more than I could ever count.  So before you rush to buy your own .xxx you might want to keep that in mind.

Something tells me that Manwin won’t be the only company making this decision, especially when it comes to their affiliate program.

LUXEMBOURG—Manwin issued a statement Friday announcing that in addition to the antitrust lawsuit it filed Nov. 16 against ICM Registry and ICANN over the approval of the .xxx TLD, it also “has determined to cease any and all internet liaisons with the .xxx Top Level Domain.”

In addition, the announcement states that as of today, Friday, Dec. 2, Manwin has banned all activities between its brands and internet sites registered with a .xxx TLD.

“We oppose the .xxx domain and all it stands for,” said Fabian Thylmann, Managing Partner of Manwin. “It is my opinion that the .xxx domain is an anti-competitive business practice that works a disservice to all companies that do business on the internet.

“The lawsuit was just the beginning,” added Thylmann. “Through this ban, we hope to make a strong statement against the .XXX domain.”

Manwin said it will no longer permit content from or advertising for .xxx websites on its tube sites. In addition, it will not permit its content to be used or advertised on .xxx websites. This will prevent ICM or .xxx from exploiting the 60 million daily visitors to Manwin’s network sites, it said.

By permanently blocking the .XXX domain, Manwin also said it hopes to send a clear message that it does not support ICM or .XXX.

Illegal Tube Sites Gets Accidental NBC Promo

TMZ is reporting that illegal tube site unknowingly got some free press on last week’s episode of You’ve Got Talent.  You’ve Got Talent airs on NBC and features celebrity judges Piers Morgan, Sharson Osbourne, and Howie Mandel with Nick Cannon acting as the Ryan Seacrest like host.  Basically what happened was, one of the show staffers was recently visiting the porn site and didn’t clear his browser’s history so when they used his computer to shoot a YouTube promo the YouPorn site appear on the history list.

Watch the video here

‘America’s Got Talent’ … And Hardcore Porn

America’s Got Talent” just accidentally aired an advertisement for hardcore porn — all because some dumbass forgot to clear his or her (but probably his) browser history.

The promo aired during last Wednesday’s episode — and if you freeze the video just right, you can see show up as the person types in

According to our computer experts, the only way YouPorn would have shown up was if someone using the computer had visited the site in the past.

Looks like AGT is a fun place to work.