Jesse Jane Leaves the Boys Behind

It looks like the rumors are true … porn sensation Jesse Jane has opted to no longer perform on camera with male talent (at least for now).  She’s saving it all for her real life man and new fiance.  It doesn’t seem to however have hurt her popularity as she comes in yet again as the #1 contract star in the world over at Fame Registry this month.

Mike South first reported this rumor last week and my sources are saying the rumor looks to be true.

Janine’s Loser Ex-husband Engaged again

I can’t believe any woman in the world would be stupid enough to marry Jesse James after what he did to Sandra Bullock but apparently I was wrong.  Yahoo news is reporting that Janine’s loser ex-husband is engaged to a super rich chick.  [source]

Jesse James is reportedly engaged to Alexis DeJoria, a drag racer and multi-billionaire heiress to the Paul Mitchell hair company.

Listen to me now ladies … I am something very very very important to share with you.  I want there to be no confusion.

Once a cheater, always a cheater!  Men like Jesse James will never change.

Keep in mind he left his 7 month pregnant wife (porn star Janine), who he had been cheating on with Sandra Bullock, to marry her.  It was later revealed he cheated on Sandra Bullock with like 11 + women!


Amia Mliey rocking the the barbie doll

So what’s little Amia Miley been up to lately, since her retirement of sorts from porn? Apparently quite a bit. Sure we all know she’s been busy working out with her Jersey Shore boyfriend, Jonny the Unit (What does that even mean????) We know this because from time to time she’ll get spotted on celebrity gossip shoes like TMZ.

But what else has she been up to? Well she’s been making some comedic videos (ala iJustine), and appearing in various mainstream shows like The Man Show and most recently she was doing a mainstream music video. Here is a picture of Amia Miley the Barbie which was taken from the 5ive star “Nicki” music video shoot.  How adorable is she? 🙂


From Porn Star to Pop Star

By now we all know all about the drama around Lupe Fuentes, but how about some good news?  It turns out Lupe Fuentes is back and has reinvented herself.  She’s going from porn star to pop star and now fronts a new pop band called The Ex Girlfriends.  Their first song is called WE ARE THE PARTY is is sort of a techno pop sound.  It’s kinda cute.  You can watch it on YouTube and is apparently available also on iTunes. Check it out.

Porn stars change your passwords already!!!

Yahoo recently released the list of the most popular passwords of 2012 and while this doesn’t surprise me for most people it does for porn stars.  I don’t think most of the girls seem to understand that they are famous and as such become targets for jack asses who have nothing better to do with their time than screw with people.  It’s important very very very much so, that you don’t let your twitter passwords be any that you see on the naughty list below.

1. password (Unchanged from Last Year)
2, 123456 (Unchanged from Last Year)
3. 12345678 (Unchanged from Last Year)
4. abc123 (Up 1)
5. qwerty (Down 1)
6. monkey (Unchanged from Last Year)
7. letmein (Up 1)
8. dragon (Up 2)
9. 111111 (Up 3)
10. baseball (Up 1)
11. iloveyou (Up 2)
12. trustno1 (Down 3)
13. 1234567 (Down 6)
14. sunshine (Up 1)
15. master (Down 1)
16. 123123 (Up 4)
17. welcome (New to the List This Year)
18. shadow (Up 1)
19. ashley (Down 3)
20. football (Up 5)
21. jesus (New to the List This Year)
22. michael (Up 2)
23. ninja     (New to the List This Year)
24. mustang (New to the List This Year)
25. password1 (New to the List This Year)

Chances are if your twitter account gets hacked you won’t get it back.  Just ask  Dylan Ryder.  She lost her account and had to rebuild it from zero.  Do you want to do that too?  So what can you do?  GO CHANGE YOUR TWITTER PASSWORD RIGHT NOW!  Here are some tips …..

Take two words and put a number in the middle and at the end.  For example instead of the password letmein put let3me9in7 or instead of iloveyou as a password why not try replacing the letter 0 with the number zero.  So it would be i6l0ve9y0u.

Instead of sexy you password could be s3x1.  Actually 4 characters is far to short for a password but that’s a GREAT start of a password. s3x1b1tch

So instead of sexy bitch as a password you have s3xib1tch.   You replaced E with 3 and I with 1 and y with i.  Well anyway you get the point.  Sexy Bitch is an easy to remember password, right?  You just made a few tiny changes to it.  How about I Love Sex as your password?  1l0v3s3x.  Instead of I you use the number 1.  Instead of the letter o you used the number zero and instead of E you used 3.  So ILOVESEX now becomes iL0V3S3X.

How about having PORN ROCKS as your password?  Here is how you can change that up to be more secure — P0RNR0CKZ or even better P0RNR0X69.  Again replacing the letter o with the number zero, changing rocks to rox and putting a 69 at the very end.  Or you can be really fun and make your password Gossip Girl and for that we go G0ZZ1PGR1.  So what we did again was make the letter o a zero and ss became zz and and i and l became 1.

Porn stars are famous both male and female and the more famous you are the more of a target you become, so please whatever you do make sure you have secure passwords.




Gemma Massey is a RockZStar

What does a sexy former fashion model, Playboy Cyber Girl who turned Porn Star for Bluebird Films do now that she’s no longer under contract?  She becomes a business mogul of course.

Gemma Massey announced today to her legion of die hard fans via Twitter @LadyGemmaMassey and her facebook page that she had so many requests to bling up shoes for her friends that she was going to make a business of it and it was on that day that was born.

In short she offers custom Swarovski Converse.  While the men probably won’t be interested other than they make a great gift idea for the holiday season, girls are fawning all over these custom made shoes.  You can either send her your own shoes you want her to bling up or you an specify which Converse shoes you want and she can order them for you, customize them and send them on their way to you brand, spanking new.  Keep in mind these are custom creations so if you have specific questions or want something  unique just talk to Gemma about it.  I’m sure she can make it a reality.

If her business venture is successful she made opt to expand into other lines of shoes and who knows, maybe due custom porn star pumps with Swarovski crystals.  How hotness would that be?

Gemma Massey tells us that she’s created a custom facebook page for her new venture and a twitter account.  The facebook page is and the twitter is @RockZStarsGM

So if you are looking for some great shoes or the perfect gift idea go check out Gemma Massey’s RockZStars.


Because we all need a good laugh ….

Found this little gem on GFY.

It got crowded in heaven, so, for one day it was decided only to accept people who had really had a bad day on the day they died. St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates and said to the first man, “Tell me about the day you died.”

The man said, “Oh, it was awful. I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him. I searched all over the apartment but couldn’t find him anywhere. So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips. I went inside, got a hammer, and started hitting his hands. He fell, but landed in some bushes. So, I got the refrigerator and pushed it over the balcony and it crushed him. The strain of the act gave me a heart attack, and I died.”

St. Peter couldn’t deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in.

He then asked the next man in line about the day he died. “Well, sir, it was awful,” said the second man. “I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge. I managed to grab the balcony of the apartment below, but some maniac came out and started pounding on my fingers with a hammer. Luckily I landed in some bushes. But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!”

St. Peter chuckled, let him into heaven and decided he could really start to enjoy this job.

“Tell me about the day you died?”, he said to the third man in line.

“OK, picture this, I’m naked, hiding inside a refrigerator …”


Webmaster Central now 100% compatible with iPad Mini and iPhone 5

Webmaster Central takes pride in being the first to extend technology for its online partners. The company was the first to introduce mobile-compatible content, XML gateways, in-video advertising and other features that now are standard fare in the industry.

Now comes another first: All of Webmaster Central’s mobile feeds are completely compatible with Apple’s latest introductions, the iPad Mini and iPhone 5.

“Webmaster Central clients will now be able to announce to their members that 100 percent of their mobile feeds will work on the hottest new Apple devices,” said President Andy Alvarez. “End-users expect to be able to watch what they want wherever they are on whatever device is handy. If a website can’t give them that convenience, they’ll go somewhere else.

“Making content work, and work well, on the newest platforms as quickly as possible has been shown to increase retention and conversions across all niches,” he continued. “When your members know you’re taking care of them, they will take care of you by remaining members.”

According to Alvarez, clients report that adding Webmaster Central content feeds increased retention and conversion numbers for some sites by as much as 50 percent. Alvarez attributes the surge to a number of factors, including daily high-definition updates and high-quality material. He’s proud of his company’s reputation in those areas, but he’s even more proud of Webmaster Central’s devotion to providing a comprehensive delivery package.

“While other companies focus on marketing, Webmaster Central focuses on our clients’ needs by acquiring the best HD content supported by the best technology,” he said. “Our load times, prices, platform and content simply are unrivaled in the industry. We feel it’s time for websites to take a hard look at the bonus content they’re offering their members, because chances are they’re paying too much for the privilege of providing sub-par material.

“We promise our clients two things: We’ll beat any price they’re paying now for content, and we’ll make them more money than they’re making now,” Alvarez continued. “As long as we deliver on those promises, the future looks brighter than ever.”

Webmaster Central’s technology gives clients control over almost every aspect of end-user satisfaction and, consequently, profitability. The look and behavior of feeds is customizable. In addition, the company’s XML platform is integrated with popular back-ends like ElevatedX and Mech Bunny, and detection and delivery of the appropriate format for each device is automatic. All a webmaster needs to do is plug in the feed and go.

“With both device usage and device variety on the rise, leased content makes more sense than ever,” Alvarez said. “It takes a considerable amount of time, effort and expense to optimize and display video content for all the different devices in use by today’s porn fans. With Webmaster Central’s leased content, this is all done for you automatically, which means you get to focus on driving traffic and making money.”

For a free two-week trial of Webmaster Central’s XML gateway or a customized white-label built specifically for your site, contact For more information about the company’s services, visit


We wanted to update everyone with some VERY GOOD NEWS! We have been in close contact with the NJ Expo Center following that skanky whore Sandy and are happy to report that EXXXOTICA New Jersey IS 100% ON! Not only is the expo center going to be ready for us next weekend, but they have three events planned there THIS weekend. Now THAT is dedication!

We have EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS… We have extended the discount promo code “FSANDY” through Friday night (11/3). Why? Because fuck Sandy… That’s why! This is the biggest discount we have ever offered. “FSANDY” gets you $5 off general admission tickets, $10 off 1-day VIP tickets and $20 off 3-day VIP tickets! Go to and click “BUY TICKETS HERE”. From there you enter the promo code and you’re good to go!

Now here is where we need your help. WE NEED YOU TO SPREAD THE WORD! EXXXOTICA NJ is on pace to be our largest event ever and instead of letting that bitch Sandy dampen our days, let’s turn EXXXOTICA into a chance to celebrate! So we need you to Facebook, Tweet, Instagram, Tumblr or Carrier Pigeon the shit out of this event! Tell your friends. Tell your coworkers. Tell your parents. EXXXOTICA NJ IS ON! You can start by forwarding this email to everyone you can! In fact, let’s make this interesting. We’ll choose 3 email addresses who forward this email to WIN 2 FREE 3-DAY VIP PASSES. To enter, CLICK HERE TO FORWARD!

So let’s do this Jersey! Oh yeah… And Happy Halloween!