HIV Positive John Stagliano Caught With His Pants Down Yet Again

In 2013 TMZ broke a story that the HIV positive owner of Evil Angel was being sued for failing to disclose that he was HIV positive before he sexual interaction with a girl on the set of an Evil Angel shoot.

The woman behind the lawsuit was Katie Summers — who claimed she was paid to appear in the film back in 2009 … and the role involved sexual interaction with John Stagliano (aka Buttman).

To those of us who have been in the industry for a while, knew that John Stagliano is HIV positive. We’ve all known for years and wrongly just assumed that everyone knew.

But new girls come in the industry every single day, young girls just turning 18 who have no idea who the heck John Stagliano is or that he is HIV positive. Most of the girls were just being born when he was first diagnosed with HIV.

HIV Positive John Stagliano with porn agent Spiegler

HIV Positive John Stagliano with porn agent Spiegler

Fast forward five years, and it’s happened again since the Katie Summers ordeal. We now have a new batch of performers and these girls, like those before her, have no idea that the owner of Evil Angel is HIV positive.

All they know is that they go on set to film a scene and they get “molested” by some “old creepy guy,” who they are later told is the owner of the company.

I know it’s a little too late, but I need to be clear here – John Stagliano from Evil Angel is HIV positive, and this has been known since January of 1997. It’s a sad truth that new girls coming into the industry have no way to know that because he damn sure doesn’t disclose it.

Let me repeat, so there is no confusion…

John Stagliano from Evil Angel is HIV positive.

He does not test like the rest of the performers in the adult industry do and is not part of the PASS system. So why then is he on a porn set having sexual contact with a performer?

This Katie Summers ordeal wasn’t the only time John Stagliano would have sexual relations with an active performer without protection, risking tainting the entire talent pool. In August of 2013, Sheena Shaw revealed she had been having UNPROTECTED sexual relations with the HIV positive John Stagliano and he had even gotten her pregnant.

But that’s not the only time. In fact, here is some actual proof

John Stagliano owner of Evil Angel, his wife and now AVN has claimed that during the production of his Stretch Class series he did not have sexual contact with the female performers so there was no need to reveal his HIV positive status.

Here is photographic proof, with his dick in hand, here he appears to be having unprotected sexual contact with a female performer.

Remember this is something John Stagliano and his wife denied. Can anyone say oops, busted?

And this isn’t the only time he’s had sexual contact with a performer while on an Evil Angel set. See here also from 2013.

So now let’s talk about today’s case. It’s between Jenny Blighe and Ginger Banks, neither of which seem to have an agent. That in itself is an issue. If they had an agent I would have hoped their agent would have warned them.

But these girls apparently booked this scene on their own and being new to the industry, they didn’t know of his history or medical condition and apparently, he didn’t bother telling them either.

So now you have two girls on set making what they thought was a normal movie. Then the owner of Evil Angel comes out and according to Jenny Blighe and Ginger Banks, John Stagliano molested both of them.

Jenny Blighe and Ginger Banks were on the set of an Evil Angel movie where they say John Stagliano “molested” them. To make matters worse, they only recently found out he was HIV positive.

Jenny Blighe still wants to come forward and fight it while Ginger Banks as the newly announced head of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (The APAC is the performer branch of the FSC (Free Speech Coalition), decided it was in her best interest not to speak out until she was more famous.

Yep, she actually said that.

John Stagliano knows that he can afford lawyers to quiet any female performer who comes forward to complain.

So I can see why many girls don’t.

The movie in question was Cam Girls The Movie, what is being advertised as Ginger Banks and Jenny Blighe’s first pro-hardcore scene.

They are contractually obligating to promote it on twitter. That has to be awkward.

Charlie Sheen is not the victim here!

Some people are speaking out about “poor Charlie Sheen” and how he is the victim here, letting all those people take advantage of him just because he is rich.

I’m just dumbfounded that he’s the one being made out to be the victim when in fact he did so much to harm others and doesn’t want to own up and take any responsibility for it.

As a direct result of his bullshit, look at what his ex-girlfriend Bree Olson has to go through.

charlie seen lied

I’m sorry but that kind of shit is not okay.

She didn’t try and blackmail him. She didn’t even know he was HIV positive.

This kind of harassment is not okay and it pisses me off that the person directly responsible for it, won’t own up to it.

Worlds Aids Day is Today

On this national aids day it’s a good time to remind you that if your agent doesn’t tell you when you go out on a job that the director, owner, or whoever is HIV positive, it’s probably time to find a new agent.

You should always be notified in advance if anyone you are working with in any way is HIV positive. You always have the right to make an informed decision about YOUR working environment.

If your agent ever neglects to tell you something this important, you really really really need a new agent.



Women can give you HIV

And to finally put this fucking HIV argument to rest ……………………………..

“HIV transmission between women sex partners is possible, as reported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this week. While rates of transmission between women are lower than heterosexuals and gay men, there are opportunities for infection.”

HIV Transmission Between Women Confirmed by CDC [source]

HIV transmission between women sex partners is possible, as reported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this week. While rates of transmission between women are lower than heterosexuals and gay men, there are opportunities for infection.

While this is not the first case of a positive diagnoses acquired as a result of sexual contact between two women, it is the first time the CDC has confirmed transmission where one partner has not reported risky behavior. In this case, the CDC viewed high risk behavior as recent sex with a man, intravenous drug use, piercings and tattoos.

The woman who started the relationship with a negative HIV status had not had sex with a man in 10 years, nor had she used intravenous drugs, or had a blood transfusion. She and her partner had been in a monogamous relationship for six months, and she had donated plasma in March of 2012, after testing negative for the virus.

Ten days after donating plasma, she began feeling ill and went to the emergency room complaining of sore throat, dry coughs, diarrhea, and vomiting. She was tested in the emergency room for HIV and the results came back negative. Two weeks later she tried to sell plasma again and was denied due to a positive HIV test result.

The couple reports using sex toys, having frequent and unprotected sex, and engaging in sexual activity during menstruation. They report at times sexual activity caused bleeding. Blood and body portals can be a risk factor for contracting the virus.

CDC encourages sexually active people to get safer sex counseling and testing even if both parties are female and one is HIV negative.

HIV transmission between women has been confirmed by CDC, and may help women become more pro-active about sexual health. Many women who engage in sexual activity with women, believe they are safe from infection because they are not having sex with men. It is now confirmed that naïve bliss is likely ineffective in combating risky behavior.

Changing times require people interested in staying healthy to take control. CDC encourages sexually active people to get safer sex counseling and testing even if both parties are female and one is HIV negative.

Taking time to know someone, and not engaging in sexual activity before being tested with the appropriate windows is important in remaining free of sexually transmitted diseases. Many people, heterosexual and gay, fail to do this placing themselves in direct risk of contracting diseases.

Other precautions include, taking care to change out sex toys when with a new partner, and making sure to sanitize toys between use. Foreplay, can quickly turn into hot sessions where body fluids are exchanged. Finger cots and dental dams are can easily be incorporated into sex play. Engaging in risky behavior that includes, sex while menstruating can put one at risk as well.

In this case, one HIV positive confirmation should serve as a warning that woman-to-woman transmission exists. The CDC report that HIV transmission between women is now confirmed should perhaps be viewed as a public service announcement by women. All sexually active people can benefit by becoming pro-active about maintaining safer sex habits to promote good sexual health.

How often do condoms fail?

Nina Hartley recently tweeted that condoms fail as much as 30% of the time. 30% WOW?!  With only a 7 out of 10 chance of working, why bother? Doesn’t seem worth it. Or is it more likely that she pulled that statistic out of her ass? My research (source) shows some very different statistics, showing that there is only a 1-5% chance of a “slip down” and an almost 100% chance of protecting you from HIV and other STDs when condoms are used properly.

In the United States, most studies of breakage caused by fault in the condom itself have shown breakage rate is less than 2 condoms out of every 100. Studies also indicate that condoms slip off the penis in about 1-5% of acts of vaginal intercourse and slip down (but not off) about 3-13% of the time. Again, these rates are influenced by the care one takes when using a condom.

Studies have shown that if a latex condom is used correctly and consistently (every time you have sex), they are a highly effective barrier against infection. This has been demonstrated most clearly by studies of “discordant” couples in Europe. A “discordant” couple is one in which one partner in infected with HIV and the other one is not. In a study of 123 couples in which condoms were used consistently, none of the infected partners became infected.

I wonder why she would say that they fail 30% of the time? Why would she go out of her way to promote UNSAFE sex? I thought she once said she was an advocate for the industry? Hmmm. Sounds like someone has some sort of agenda of her own.

I won’t say if I’m for or against mandatory condom use but what I will say, if you are going to give “FACTS” give real ones and not just bullshit you make up.

If you can’t just tell the truth than just shut the fuck up already.

You do more harm than good for your cause by spreading false information.


What is pooled blood testing?

We’ve been hearing about this method of testing for HIV called pooled rapid HIV evaluations.

But what does it really mean in terms of accuracy?

Since testing of pooled samples can decrease costs. This we know. Okay, but what about safety?

“Based on these results, pooled testing methods were evaluated for screening patients admitted to hospital in San Diego, California. Evaluation of pooled antibody testing on samples collected from individuals with known HIV infection found only a modest reduction in sensitivity.”

Only a modest reduction in sensitivity? Really? I mean a modest reduction in sensitivity sounds kinda like a big deal to me. How about you? But even worse it turns out those that are likely to not show up are the people who are the most infectious.

“These false negative results were only found among samples with very low optical density readings, and therefore likely correspond to samples collected during acute infection.”

In other words, they gave these guys a bunch of blood to test with people they knew for a fact was HIV positive and the tests didn’t detect it. Their excuse was, because they were probably acute HIV which we learned from Cameron Bay meant that was the time they were the most infectious! So with pooled testing a person who is the most infection, is probably the most likely to test negative under the pooled testing system!!!!!

That’s kind of a big deal, don’t you think?

If a person has HIV and is extremely likely to pass it on as they are at the most infectious stage of their infection and pooling blood doesn’t really work well on those kinds.

“Further evaluation of pooled testing of samples collected from individuals during recent infection, found that mini-pool testing of five samples detected HIV antibody in 86% of samples taken within 60 days of the initial infection and 92% of samples taken within 90 days of the initial infection.”

So in other words, they gave them more samples of people who they knew for a fact had HIV and where in the acute stage – again the most infectious time, and the pooled blood test only came back with a positive 86% of the time of samples taken within 60 days of the initial infection and 92% of samples taken within 90 days of initial infection.

This pooled blood testing works fine and is most cost effective method of testing, as long as the person hasn’t caught HIV in the last 90 days. If so we are all fucked.

So in other words, Cameron Bay could have been positive prior to June or earlier. Have all of those people been notified?

Has Xander Corvus been testing using another type of test to prove he for sure doesn’t have HIV? Has he gone anywhere besides cutting edge testing?


Is Alex Gonz HIV Positive too?

Donny Long, one of the most hated people in the entire porn industry, is now claiming that Alex Gonz emailed him and claims that he not only has Hep C but also is now HIV positive and he got it from Cameron Bay. Is this true? That’s hard to say … Donny Long isn’t exactly known for being honest. In fact more often than not he just makes shit up for attention so it’s hard to say if this is true or not. Plus he claims to have gotten it from Cameron Bay and I don’t think there is nay evidence that Alex Gonz performed with Cameron Bay in the last month when she was thought to have contracted HIV. The doctors have confirmed she has “acute HIV” which means she contracted it just recently. So I’m not sure if what Donny Long is saying is true BUT there is the possibility of it and if so, that could mean some serious problems for our industry.

It is for that reason alone I post this information. Do however keep in mind that it comes from Donny Long so it may very well be a big fat lie just like most everything else he says – spreading the information in an attempt to stay relevant because nobody else will give him attention.

Update: Looks like pretty much everything else Donny Long has ever said – this too is a lie. He was using the real HIV story to try and keep his name in the news. How really sad is that? Donny Long is a loser and this story just proves that. I mean to blatantly lie to get attention about some guy getting HIV is really just beyond pathetic.

Hopefully the next Donny Long story we have to report is is that someone stabbed him in the face because that truly what he deserves.


This is some shocking shit that was emailed to us and we are just speechless. I bet you anything all the media outlets ignore this to protect the fags. Anyways here it is.

Yo Donny bro its been ages but I wanted to email you and tell you that all us straight guys support what you do but we cant speak out under our names cause the homos will ruin the little work we have left. Now that I am out of the business I don’t care though. The homos have fucked not only our industry really good but fucked up my life and that’s why I am emailing you my story. I am so angry I want to go on a homo killing spree with a chainsaw.

As you well know I got hep C and people [Mainly homos and homo lovers like Lisa Ann] were accusing me of faking my test but I wasn’t faking jack shit. I didn’t disappear out of the industry cause of that though and I want to tell you that the shit I am about to tell you I think goes on much more than you hear about. So here it is, I got HIV from that stupid homo loving whore Cameron Bay which she got it from her gay boyfriend Rod Daily which got it in gay porn. I was told by the clinic that most of the gay performers are HIV positive and that’s where it came from. The clinic and everyone I have spoke to doesn’t want me to go public about my condition cause they say it will destroy the industry. I think they just don’t want me to speak out being a straight dude and say I got it from a fucking faggot fudge packer as you might call them.

All these gays protect each other and the media seems to protect them also. You and are about the only places and people that tell the truth left and don’t care what they think. My life as far as I am concerned is over cause I will never be able to bareback another girl again as long as I live unless she is HIV positive also. I love to fuck gorgeous women and have got paid to fuck them for over 7 years now.

I moved back to Miami Florida and now have to worry about how I am going to pay my bills as I have no work. I don’t think anyone will hire me to do anything normal after all the porn scenes I did but maybe I can get a job working at some sort of HIV research place but not sure yet. My best advice to any straight males left in porn valley is get out now before you are forced out with HIV like I was. I also wanted to email and ask that my real name get removed from the net as I will have to try and find work now. I don’t mind paying the removal fee but maybe I can pay it in payments as I don’t have much money left.

Alex Gonz

Rod Daily Test Back – Say He is Not HIV Positive

Rod Daily, Cameron Bay’s boyfriend … you know the guy who is also the guy who performs in all of those gay porno flicks, and escorts, got his test back from a private clinic and he says “Based on CDC protocol, the answer is no”. So he is saying according to the test he took in a private clinic he is not HIV positive.

There are like a million questions going through my head right now but I guess the number one question that comes to mind is, where did his girlfriend get it from if it wasn’t from him?

Cameron Bay has gone on record as saying “I can also say he has been in the industry now 8 years and has never had an issue also he never shot bareback. Im not trying to start shit im not trying to say anything im juat speaking up about something I know and witnessed.”

Okay well I guess we’ll see how this one continues to play out.


Edit / Update: Mike South corrected me in stating that Rod Daily has not gotten his test back yet from the private testing facility and that his statement about the CDC protocol was from yesterday in regards to something else.


John Stagliano is HIV Positive

Just so there is no confusion John Stagliano from Evil Angel is HIV positive. For those of us who have been in the industry for awhile now, we have known that for some time. That is no new news to us. But apparently to some new people in the industry, it is. They weren’t aware in the slightest that he in fact has HIV, the virus which causes aids. Why their agents didn’t make them aware of this fact prior to sending them to an Evil Angel set confuses me. I think the agent should disclose this very important bit of information up front when a girl agrees to take said booking.

Most recently it was revealed that despite the fact that John Stagliano is HIV positive, he still has sexual relations with other performers on the set of his movies. He might just stick his fingers in a girls ass or pussy, or he may give her oral sex or in at least one documented case, he took his dick out of his pants and rubbed it repeatedly UNPROTECTED against her opening – and yes that means an exchange of bodily fluids took place.

When this was revealed he went on record as saying he hasn’t tested positive for years – implying that maybe he never had HIV in the first place. But I want to be clear here, so there is no confusion ……………..

At this time, there is no cure for HIV for adults. So once you are positive, you are positive. Period. No exceptions. Not even Magic Johnson can claim to have been cured of HIV.

I personally had heard Magic Johnson was in fact the one guy who was cured of it, through a series of expensive blood washings, etc. Turns out I was wrong. Magic Johnson, who tested positive for HIV in 1991 is not cured of HIV. A doctor went on record as saying “He’s not cured. He’s on medication. His disease is, as I tell my patients, in remission.”

A person who is in fact HIV positive can be on their meds and that medicine can suppress his virus to undetectable levels – but that does not make you cured. It just means that while you are taking your meds, your illness is being suppressed – that means the meds are doing what they are supposed to do, keeping your ass alive. However that being said, if that HIV positive person were to go off of those drugs, the virus in the blood would return “within a very short period of time — a week, two weeks. “If you re-check the blood for the virus, it comes right back.”

It’s not unusual for a person with HIV to appear healthy or even athletic, but that the virus never goes away. Once you have HIV, you have HIV.  There is no cure for HIV.

A person once they test positive has that same blood sample retested by two or three times, to ensure accuracy of the initial test. Then the person has another test done with new blood and it is tested and then re-tested so ensure the first batch of tests weren’t false positives. So we are all on the same page here, John Stagliano is HIV Positive. He tested positive for HIV and the test was confirmed. This wasn’t a mistake and no, he hasn’t been cured – as remember, there is no cure for HIV. He said himself that he has been on his medicine for years and that is the reason (if what he is saying is true) that his current tests haven’t shown detectable levels of the HIV virus, but he is not cured.

Having any sort of sexual relations with a person who is HIV positive will vastly increase your chance of getting it yourself. If you don’t want to get HIV then don’t have any sort of sexual relations with a person who is HIV positive. John Stagliano is HIV Positive.

This means, so again there is no confusion here – don’t let him stick his finger, tongue or dick in your pussy or ass hole.



Brazzers hires Gay Porn Star for Straight Movies

It seems Manwin owned Brazzers has recently put Danny D under contract. The problem? Danny D is also gay male porn star Matt Hughes. It wasn’t to long ago that Brazzers spoke out saying how they wouldn’t shoot crossovers (those guys who did both gay porn and straight porn) because of the increased risk of HIV exposure. Plus there are a lot of female stars who just flat out (and rightfully so) won’t perform with male porn stars who do gay or tranny porn and who also do straight porn.

Hey, what’s a little HIV risk between friends, right?

Today Kurt Lockwood tweeted – @christianxxx1 R U still fucking trannies bareback? Because I’m working w @CaliHayesXXX tomorrow & it sucks that you double dip & add risk

Kurt Lockwood isn’t alone in his concern over the added risk of HIV exposure when you hire those who do both gay and straight porn. So the question is, what is Manwin going to do?  Are they going to keep a gay performer under contract, to have sex with straight porn stars increasing their risk of HIV exposure?

Manwins Contract Boy Has A Gay Porn past [source – Mike South]

Remember how Brazzers/Manwin made lotsa noise about how they don’t shoot “crossovers”? Well Their newest Contract boy” Danny D, performed lots of gay porn as “Matt Hughes”.

If they had looked on their own tube sites they’d have known it.  I’m also hearing that Matt/Danny has, shall we say, some performance problems when working with the girls.

Now here’s what I REALLY don’t get…whats with the putting the gay performers in straight scenes anyway?  It seems that porners have forgotten all the rules for making successful straight porn…..No wonder this biz is in the toilet.