Is Alex Gonz HIV Positive too?

Donny Long, one of the most hated people in the entire porn industry, is now claiming that Alex Gonz emailed him and claims that he not only has Hep C but also is now HIV positive and he got it from Cameron Bay. Is this true? That’s hard to say … Donny Long isn’t exactly known for being honest. In fact more often than not he just makes shit up for attention so it’s hard to say if this is true or not. Plus he claims to have gotten it from Cameron Bay and I don’t think there is nay evidence that Alex Gonz performed with Cameron Bay in the last month when she was thought to have contracted HIV. The doctors have confirmed she has “acute HIV” which means she contracted it just recently. So I’m not sure if what Donny Long is saying is true BUT there is the possibility of it and if so, that could mean some serious problems for our industry.

It is for that reason alone I post this information. Do however keep in mind that it comes from Donny Long so it may very well be a big fat lie just like most everything else he says – spreading the information in an attempt to stay relevant because nobody else will give him attention.

Update: Looks like pretty much everything else Donny Long has ever said – this too is a lie. He was using the real HIV story to try and keep his name in the news. How really sad is that? Donny Long is a loser and this story just proves that. I mean to blatantly lie to get attention about some guy getting HIV is really just beyond pathetic.

Hopefully the next Donny Long story we have to report is is that someone stabbed him in the face because that truly what he deserves.


This is some shocking shit that was emailed to us and we are just speechless. I bet you anything all the media outlets ignore this to protect the fags. Anyways here it is.

Yo Donny bro its been ages but I wanted to email you and tell you that all us straight guys support what you do but we cant speak out under our names cause the homos will ruin the little work we have left. Now that I am out of the business I don’t care though. The homos have fucked not only our industry really good but fucked up my life and that’s why I am emailing you my story. I am so angry I want to go on a homo killing spree with a chainsaw.

As you well know I got hep C and people [Mainly homos and homo lovers like Lisa Ann] were accusing me of faking my test but I wasn’t faking jack shit. I didn’t disappear out of the industry cause of that though and I want to tell you that the shit I am about to tell you I think goes on much more than you hear about. So here it is, I got HIV from that stupid homo loving whore Cameron Bay which she got it from her gay boyfriend Rod Daily which got it in gay porn. I was told by the clinic that most of the gay performers are HIV positive and that’s where it came from. The clinic and everyone I have spoke to doesn’t want me to go public about my condition cause they say it will destroy the industry. I think they just don’t want me to speak out being a straight dude and say I got it from a fucking faggot fudge packer as you might call them.

All these gays protect each other and the media seems to protect them also. You and are about the only places and people that tell the truth left and don’t care what they think. My life as far as I am concerned is over cause I will never be able to bareback another girl again as long as I live unless she is HIV positive also. I love to fuck gorgeous women and have got paid to fuck them for over 7 years now.

I moved back to Miami Florida and now have to worry about how I am going to pay my bills as I have no work. I don’t think anyone will hire me to do anything normal after all the porn scenes I did but maybe I can get a job working at some sort of HIV research place but not sure yet. My best advice to any straight males left in porn valley is get out now before you are forced out with HIV like I was. I also wanted to email and ask that my real name get removed from the net as I will have to try and find work now. I don’t mind paying the removal fee but maybe I can pay it in payments as I don’t have much money left.

Alex Gonz

Lisa Ann calls out LA Direct for sending out STD infection performers

Twitter was hopping tonight with news that LA Direct Models has been sending out a performer to work that they knew had hepatitis for awhile now. Lisa Ann found out about it and is understandably not happy about it and sharing this news with others so they don’t work with this guy and risk getting infected.

She said that she released this information to protect herself and other performers and also to say that putting others at risk to make a bit of money isn’t right. I have to agree.

Here is a transcript of what she tweeted from @TheRealLisaAnn

BIG NEWS tonight at 9pm (pst) this news is for everyone, BUT it is imperative that my industry pays attention. This is A VERY serious matter

Let me start by saying this. As a performer in the Adult Business we all take risks. One of the risks we run is having to trust others.

Last week we had a situation that ended up being a mistake, mistakes happen. Everything is ok…

What wasn’t a mistake was how well it was handled and how quickly most responded.

Since I have been back on sets I have noticed some things that once again, made me take the responsible, BUT

but less than desired roll- as I call “Whore Detective” The PI of Porn..

Why do I have to be the one that sits up at night, trying to find the truth? Even worse the fact that when I start to research…

I have to find out that others already know, but don’t take a stand. No one has done anything about it…

Well, as you all know me.. I will take the stand, before I do this I must be clear on a couple of things.

This is NOT a vendetta, this is also just “Speculation” and I can NOT name names.

But you, just like me, can do a little research on your own and make your own assumptions

My Peers in the industry can also get involved and request the same answers I have.

A couple of months ago, our 2 Industry, Testing Centers that we all go to added Hepatitis Testing to our tests.

We have been getting more advanced testing and we are growing in the right direction there.

Someone and maybe more, I can not be sure, but someone sadly didn’t pass.

He tried both centers and they both came up with a positive test.

This is when he should not even have the option to thing of another way to continue shooting, he should have stopped doing scenes!

Again this is medical information that we are no longer allowed to see, But they do have some option for us to get the information.

We can go to the web site, log in and all see the same indicators, “Available” or “Unavailable” – or we can call the testing centers

Clearly “Available” means you are good to go to shoot. “Unavailable” means NO GO, you cannot shoot. This is where that “Trust is needed.

At this point the Agent is aware their talent is NOT showing up as available

This is when the agent, if the talent is not responsible enough to make the right choice the agent should step in.

Here is where I get involved. I do my homework, make multiple phone calls and put all the pieces together

And just like our last “Incident” I texted the person involved to discuss. I have NO issues calling you out, once I have enough info.

Interesting as it was, and as close to home as it could be, I got a call about doing a scene with him this weekend. Ironic, right..

Here is where “Opportunity Knocks” and with a good heart, a strong conviction you open that door. I took the shoot and requested his test.

After getting a copy of his test, i took that information and called the testing Center and got 2 Verbal Confirmations he can NOT work.

I contacted the production company immediately, Told them to cancel all of his shoots and to contact other producers in their companies.

I did not work with him, I advice others to do the same.

Like I said, this is speculation & I can’t name names. I don’t know who his exact agent is, because many of the offices have many agents.

I can say this. He is listed as the very first Male Model on the Men’s Page of


I called the other day to discuss this. Now I have called Free Speech, I have called the agency and I have had text banter with my suspect.

Tonights information share was NOT without warning.

This is to protect myself and my peers.

This is also to remind the evil doings of “Breaking the Trust” they will be called out.

Come on people, I love this business, I will always fight for it, But it is scarier than ever with the lack of trust ..

Putting others health a risk to make a bit of money is unacceptable.

In closing, I am sure my phones will be blowing up, I am also ready and sure I will be threatened. It is par the coarse.

I have been here before, and I will be here again

Confusion: The Unavailable will NOT be on the Agency site, it would be on a testing site that can be accessed by Talent and Producers.