SEO is Changing … are you?

I’ve been doing marketing within the adult industry in some form or another since August of 1996 and the longer I’m in the industry, the more I just have to smack my forehead when I talk to people who claim to be so-called experts. For the longest time, I was convinced the insane bullshit people …

SEO is Changing … are you? Read More »

Weeding Out SEO Myths

I once had a client, bless his little heart who was absolutely obsessed with quoting things he heard about SEO from various sources and would spout them as if they were the word of God. “Well I heard”, “So and so said”, “Didn’t you know”. These were things I heard all the time and would …

Weeding Out SEO Myths Read More »

Let’s talk about quality traffic

Google now handles trillions of searches per year. Just ten years ago they processing about 73 billion a year. What a difference a decade can make. Searches per second: Atleast 63,000 Searches per minutes: Atleast 3.8 million Searches per hour: Atleast 228 million So why does all of this matter to you? Because today we are going …

Let’s talk about quality traffic Read More »

Google Launches SEO Tool for Webmasters

If you believe your site’s rankings are being harmed by low-quality links that aren’t in your control (like someone is purposely adding you to link farms to fuck you), you can now ask Google not to take them into account when assessing your site.  It’s a new tool Google introduced today called Disavow Links from Google Webmaster Tools.

For awhile now several webmasters have been complaining that douche bag competitors have been adding their sites to link farms on purpose to hurt their SEO rankings.  Yet there wasn’t a damn thing any of us could do about it.  It really was a horrible, sneaky thing but it was a great way to fuck someone who you were trying to rank higher than.  The more penalties you could get them, the lower they would drop in the Google rankings.  Well today that changes.  Now if you find those bad links you can use their disavow tool to disassociate yourself from those “bad neighborhoods” as Google calls them.

Months ago BING introduced their own Diavow Links program in the Bing Webmaster Tools.  What you do is log and select the site of yours that you want to work with from their dashboard.  Now click Configure my site (from the left hand menu) and then Disavow links.    Next choose the page, directory, or domain, then type the URL that you want to block and then click Disavow.



Watch out Google, Bing really is catching up!

I can remember the day it was announced that Google had 40% of all US searches.  It was such a big deal, it was all anyone would talk about.  Of course quite a bit has changed since then and that includes the introduction of BING.   According to a recent story at CNET, Google now controls about 65% of all US web searches, with Bing coming in about 30% and Yahoo at about 15%.

So Google is more than twice as good as Bing and Bing is about twice as good as Yahoo.

Google, obviously the power house giant has actually been on a gradual decline.  In December of 2010 they controlled 69.7%, the next month they dropped to 68%, then in February 66.7% and now in March they are coming in at 64.4%.  Sure these aren’t major drops but possibly a sign of the big push Bing has been making to gain market share.  Bing is gaining market share faster than Google is losing it though.  While Google may drop a point here and there, Bing seems to be going up even faster.  Sucks to be Yahoo I guess.

Hitwise comes up with these numbers by monitoring the 10 million Internet users from the United States.


Bing it or Google it? Who really is the champ?

Last night I was watching Vampire Diaries and during the show one of the characters told another that they “Binged it” and then showed her on her computer using the Bing search engine.  So it got me thinking …. with all of the marketing hype, a webmaster can’t help but wonder what the real truth is when it comes to search engines – which is better, Bing or Google or Yahoo?  Is Yahoo still even a contender at all?

So as luck would have it, with the recent Jesse James controversy, my Janine Lindemulder site is getting pounded with traffic.  I happen to be lucky enough to be in the top three on both Google and Bing for the keyword phrase Janine Lindemulder.  I am also in the top 5 for Yahoo for that same keyword phrase.  So of the 3 big shots, who is really pumping out the traffic?

Well push all the poo aside that everyone’s marketing and PR people are feeding us and this is the real results.   In the last few days Google has sent me the most traffic by far.  By the way these are just straight Google web results, not including anything I got from Google images.

This report is in no way meant to be all scientific or anything like that.  I just wanted to show you, from a real webmaster to other real webmaster, what kind of results search engines are actually producing.

Although things change all the time, at the time I did this report I was #2 on Google, #3 on Bing and #4 on Yahoo for Janine Lindemulder.

  • Google 82,163
  • Yahoo 4,562
  • Bing 3,270

So as you can see by the chart below, Bing may be growing in popularity and getting more media attention but they still have a long, long ways to go.