I love to keep up with other bloggers as from time to time they have some interesting things to say. I will be the first to admit, that Kayden Kross morose than anyone else seems to draw my interest. But today I find myself going WTF?! At what I am reading … first and foremost I read that Mike South claims that Imitation, The Sincerest Form of Flattery, and that is perhaps true but to be imitated you really have to be the first at something. Right?
In the body of his post he goes on about how people are imitating him by getting others to blog for him. Someone should perhaps tell him that the entire WordPress software was built around the very premise of having contributing editors / guest bloggers and hundreds of sites have been doing that very thing for years. So maybe he thinks he was the first person to have a porn star blogger with the addition of Kayden Kross. Maybe he thinks that our addition of celebrity and guest bloggers here at Luke Ford is somehow copying him? Nope, that can’t be it because other sites have beat him to that, even here at Luke Ford. I’m sure you all remember some of the Taylor Rain posts and well, she’s not only a porn star but one of the most famous and has been blogging for years before Kayden Kross did it. And although I can’t say for sure, hasn’t Pop Porn had pornstar bloggers for awhile now too?
Now here is where it gets really interesting. In that same post he also calls out Bree Olson and Jesse Jane on being frauds. Oh yes! He went there.
Mike South says : Now we have publicists though who write what are really press releases and advertisements in the name of their contract girls, I have yet to read Bree Olsen’s column in Genesis Magazine but I will bet my last dollar she doesn’t write a word of it, Ditto columns written under Jesse Janes name, let’s be honest here if these pornchicks could write they wouldn’t be porn chicks.
Why is Mike South calling Jesse Jane a fraud? How does he know she doesn’t write her own shit? And even if she doesn’t, why call her out on it? What’s he have against her to try and harm her reputation? Same with Bree Olson? But here is the best line of them all from his little rant ….
let’s be honest here if these pornchicks could write they wouldn’t be porn chicks
That line speaks volumes about his feelings towards the women in this industry and it’s to bad really because I’ve met some smart ass bitches in this business that have no problem writing their own shit.