Mike South Calls Jesse Jane a Fraud

I love to keep up with other bloggers as from time to time they have some interesting things to say. I will be the first to admit, that Kayden Kross morose than anyone else seems to draw my interest. But today I find myself going WTF?! At what I am reading … first and foremost I read that Mike South claims that Imitation, The Sincerest Form of Flattery, and that is perhaps true but to be imitated you really have to be the first at something.  Right?

In the body of his post he goes on about how people are imitating him by getting others to blog for him. Someone should perhaps tell him that the entire WordPress software was built around the very premise of having contributing editors / guest bloggers and hundreds of sites have been doing that very thing for years. So maybe he thinks he was the first person to have a porn star blogger with the addition of Kayden Kross. Maybe he thinks that our addition of celebrity and guest bloggers here at Luke Ford is somehow copying him?  Nope, that can’t be it because other sites have beat him to that, even here at Luke Ford. I’m sure you all remember some of the Taylor Rain posts and well, she’s not only a porn star but one of the most famous and has been blogging for years before Kayden Kross did it.  And although I can’t say for sure, hasn’t Pop Porn had pornstar bloggers for awhile now too?

Now here is where it gets really interesting. In that same post he also calls out Bree Olson and Jesse Jane on being frauds.  Oh yes!  He went there.

Mike South says : Now we have publicists though who write what are really press releases and advertisements in the name of their contract girls, I have yet to read Bree Olsen’s column in Genesis Magazine but I will bet my last dollar she doesn’t write a word of it, Ditto columns written under Jesse Janes name, let’s be honest here if these pornchicks could write they wouldn’t be porn chicks.

Why is Mike South calling Jesse Jane a fraud?  How does he know she doesn’t write her own shit?  And even if she doesn’t, why call her out on it?  What’s he have against her to try and harm her reputation?  Same with Bree Olson? But here is the best line of them all from his little rant ….

let’s be honest here if these pornchicks could write they wouldn’t be porn chicks

That line speaks volumes about his feelings towards the women in this industry and it’s to bad really because I’ve met some smart ass bitches in this business that have no problem writing their own shit.

Porn Star Uncovers Anti Porn Scam

Lies, Fraud, Felonies, Naked Girls … no I’m not talking about the plot of the next Paul Thomas feature for Vivid, I’m actually talking about the tag lines for a so called “not for profit” organization that claims to be a human rights advocacy group to help ex porn stars.

I have a great story for you today my friends. Kayden Kross is a well spoken advocate of well … PORN. She likes to suck cock and gets paid to do it but even more interesting is that she is also someone who has a

A recent story published over at Mike South by the one and only Porn Star Kayden Kross, which was meant to be a rant about Shelley Lubben of the Pink Cross Foundation, turns out to unveil a little felony going on.

Kayden Kross Blogs : Ha ha funny story: Shelley and I were on the radio yesterday and she spent the whole time talking over me. I was quiet for her while she made her points and then she spoke over the top of me when it was my turn to speak. Picture a third grader with her finger in her ears saying “lalalalalala I can’t hear you lalalalala”. It was not far off from that. But I was able to get a few things in. Her reaction was incredible when I pointed out that her Pink Cross foundation was not, in fact, a non-profit. According to the Attorney General’s office, there is no Pink Cross Foundation on file as a charitable organization. The only records are a filing with the Secretary of State as a regular corporation. She started ranting “Yes it is Yes it is i care about these girls you don’t know what they go through…..!!!”. Picture a raving lunatic. It was not far off from that either. The distinction needs to be made: just because you aren’t making money off of it doesn’t mean it’s a non profit.

Interesting … it seems that The Pink Cross foundation isn’t a Not For Profit company after all, despite the fact that this is how the represent themselves and that my friends is FRAUD … and a felony in most states.


As a result of this the Pink Cross Foundation website now states they are pending their non profit status however we’ve all heard Shelley Lubben state for how long now that they are a non profit organization?  Can anyone say FRAUD?  Here is a screenshot taken directly from the Pink Cross Foundation Website on June 22, 2008.  Apparently you can back date donations and make them tax exempt even though they were donated prior to an organization legally gaining tax exempt status.  Very interesting.  I did not know that.


Now here is another screenshot taken the very same day.  Notice on this one they are claiming not for profit status and even more funny is that claim to make a difference in “millions of lives”.    MILLIONS OF LIVES?  WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS  BITCH SMOKING?  Seriously!


Kayden Kross Slams Vivid

Hey Vivid … one one of the world’s largest porn studios. Apparently you are cheap bastards who put the health and overall welfare of your stars in jeopardy. Well …. so says one of your former Vivid girls and no this time it isn’t Kira Kener.

I noticed that Kayden Kross had recently joined the writing staff over at MikeSouth.com and found her first post to be quite articulate and overall, a nice read. At first glance you would think her article was well written and that she might be one of the smarter porn stars in the business. I mean she can actually write big words and spell them correctly. And even more impressive she doesn’t use all caps. Colored me impressed to say the least. (No joking here, I actually really was impressed)

Kayden Kross

But then I thought for just a moment about what she was actually saying ,…. without calling them out by name, she just said that Vivid sucks and they were a crappy company to work for and cheap to boot. Not only that, but that their sets were horribly nasty and an extreme health risk.

Fourth/Fifth movie: with no script, no make up artist, and catered with McDonald’s, we managed a movie. Or two. I learned i had signed with the wrong company.

Sixth movie: i learned that porn stars need assistants (for…?). I finally walked through the perpetual enema juice on the bathroom floor without slipping, wincing, or gagging. This was a milestone.

If memory serves me correctly Kayden Kross did her first 6 or so movies with Vivid, most of which have yet to even be released yet. She went on to do one or two with Digital Playground and then signed with Adam and Eve. 

Interesting how she talks so much shit about Vivid. How they are cheap, unorganized, have low quality standards and health issues without specifically naming them. Did she really not think that people wouldn’t figure out she was bashing Vivid? I mean she’s only been in the business a year and prior to her contract with Adam and Eve she’s only had one other “contract”.

What the hell is this girl thinking? Did her momma never tell her that you don’t piss where you live? That if you poke the proverbial fire, that shit sparks back and just may burn you in the ass.

Her statements about her 6th movie basically back up what Kira Kener has been saying all along about working on the set of Vivid movies and may give Kira Kener’s psycho lawyers more ammunition to start more legal shit and from what i hear, she’s been trying to do already and now Kayden Kross has just confirmed that Vivid puts the girls on the set in an unsafe working environment and given Kira Kener’s lawyer an open invitation.

It will be interesting to say the least to see how this plays out.

I mean if nothing else, former Vivid girls publically calling out Vivid for being a cheap asses should be quite the show.