Did Jack Venice Rape Devon?

You won’t believe this story. Well maybe you will. It wasn’t to long ago that we learned Shane’s World has control of Devon’s official website, won’t release it back to her and recently turned in into a tranny links list, presumably out of revenge. This was also about the same time that Casey Parker left Shane’s World and the other rumors about the company having serious problems were coming out. Since then nobody has really heard a word. That is, until now.



Devon blogs on her official myspace page — Wednesday, May 06, 2009 – YES, IT IS TRUE… Category: Life

For everyone who has asked over the last 2 years, YES, it is indeed TRUE, the rumors of what occored during the shooting of Devon does Baja, was by far the WORST experience imaginable….(take a look @ the track records of some of the performers they continue 2 promote…such as, convicted, imprisoned, sex offenders.)

The rumors were that i was raped, by jack venice, who is now serving life in prison 4 raping a collage girl, in i think, sandiego, n also that there was very severe physical, n verball abouse, all of wich is indeed true. even the owners of the company shanes world, new about it, yet did nothing….that would b y i never did another movie 4 shanes world. if u get a chance, check out their site, they r still promting jack venice, who has been convicted of rape, n is now serving a life sentance. will not be up 4 paroll 4 at least 10 years….so karma really is a bitch, cuz it came back around n got that piece of shit! xoxo, Devon.

You can find out more news about what is going on with Devon’s career at DearDevon.com.

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  1. Pingback: Luke Ford | Harsh fan reaction to Devon

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