Gang rape or orgy? Let’s go to the video

By R. Scott Moxley, OC Weekly


You’ll never convince six lucky Orange County guys that porn is bad: a single raunchy sex video is keeping them out of prison. Of course, these 20-year-olds couldn’t have foreseen this fate when they filmed their wild gangbang after a night of drinking at a Fullerton bar.

This tale begins in the wee hours of June 6, 2004, when a distraught Tamara Anne Moonier entered a Fullerton police station. She said she’d been kidnapped a few hours earlier from a parking lot at Heroes Bar & Grill, hooded and driven to an unknown residence. Moonier, then 28, told police that a group of men brutally raped her at gunpoint for more than an hour, forced her to perform numerous degrading sex acts on film, demanded her silence and then released her.

“She said she feared for her safety,” a law-enforcement officer told the Weekly.

With money from a victims’ assistance program, Moonier immediately moved from her Fullerton apartment to Dana Point. Meanwhile, alarmed police detectives used her descriptions to launch a manhunt. Within about a week of the alleged crime, Moonier had picked one of the suspects out of a photographic lineup. Eventually all of the men were identified.

But Fullerton police refused to file charges. The suspects had voluntarily turned over the sex video Moonier had described. It showed no gun, no threats of violence and no force.

In fact, the woman not only directed action at times but complimented penis sizes, complained about the lighting, nonchalantly took a cell phone call during the gangbang, yelled, “Get it up!” when some of the men lost their erections, called herself a slut and demanded ejaculations—in her mouth.

She also laughed at least 27 times during the sex, moaned intensely when she wasn’t laughing and cheered the men to sexual heroics with, “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

“I just like sex,” Moonier said at one point on the tape. “I can’t help it.”

Deputy District Attorney Paul J. Chrisopoulos will use the homemade video as Exhibit 1 in his case against Moonier. Last summer, the Orange County grand jury, mostly retired folks, had the thrill (if you want to call it that) of watching the exploits of this petite mother of two children, then toddlers. They indicted her for filing false police reports, committing perjury and stealing funds from a taxpayer-funded victims’ program.

If Moonier and her public defender don’t gain their senses and seek a plea deal, a judge and jury will soon view the tape. They’ll hear more than the following excerpts:

Male: I took your fucking pants down and started fucking you.
Moonier: You sure did!
Male: You liked it, didn’t you?
Moonier: Of course! [Laughs.] Did you?
Male: Fuck, yeah!
Moonier: All right then.

Male: You give good head.
Moonier: Thank you. I told you I’ve watched lots of movies.

To one guy unable to get an erection, Moonier said, “You’re fucking pathetic. You can’t get it up. Forget it.”
Males: She loves this shit [sex].
Moonier: Yeah, I do. Uhhhhh. Very nice!

When one guy complained that Moonier’s teeth hurt his penis during a blowjob, somebody slapped her butt. She responded, “Ouch! Fuck! That’s gonna leave a mark. You’re gonna kill my game. Now I’m not going to be able to have sex tomorrow night. Damn you.” [Laughs.]

Male: How’s my dick feeling?
Moonier: Your dick goes great, babe!

During the gangbang, a cell phone rang, and one of the guys answered it and calmly talked to a buddy. While Moonier had sex in the doggie-style position, the guy handed her the phone. She didn’t scream for help. She said, “Hello? This is Tammy. Yes. He’s fucking me from behind!” The guy took the phone back and gave directions to the residence. Moonier simultaneously complimented one man’s penis: “Big and nice!” Later, she said, “How many people are we calling?”

Male: You know I’m a slut?
Moonier: Among other things.
Male: Right.
Moonier: Well, you obviously knew I was!
Male: Fuck, yeah!
Moonier: How could you tell?

During intercourse, Moonier said, “I have some work to do. Shut the fuck up. Shhhhhhh. Are you the only one who can perform in front of an audience? The rest of them can’t fucking perform. [Moans.] Nice! Much better. Goes in deeper from this angle. [Moans again.]”

A male observer said to the guy having sex, “We can’t hear your balls slapping, come on!” [The guy increased the speed of his penetration and Moonier moaned more.] The men cheered their pal on: “Hit harder!” Moonier said, “Shut the fuck up so he can finish. At least somebody will get off tonight.”

While performing in the reverse cowgirl position (use your imagination), Moonier turned to the camera and said, “This better not fucking end up on the Internet unless you’re gonna give me some of the money!” Minutes later, she yelled at the guys, “Get it up!” And, “That guy can’t ejaculate. . . . Yeah, you fucking gave up on me. . . . And this one can’t even finish either. I’m getting kind of pissed. I just want somebody to finish.”

Male: I want to slap your ass.
Moonier: I don’t need any more marks. You know what’s gonna happen the next time I hook up with the fucking cops? They’re gonna want to know who the fuck I was with. . . . I’m fucking three cops!”

Moonier: You gonna finish this time?
Male: I really believe she really wants to swallow [the semen].
Moonier: I always swallow. What’s the point? You’re gonna get some of it in your mouth anyway. You might as well swallow. I’d be really pissed if somebody was going down on me and fucking turned around to spit. That’s just not right. You have to swallow. That’s just how it is!”

You might be asking yourself: Why would a woman claim rape if she knew a video existed that so thoroughly contradicts her story? If you can figure that out, please let us know. Even after police detectives told her they’d viewed the video, Moonier still refused to recant. She continued to demand that the men be prosecuted.

Next month an Orange County jury will hear the case against Moonier (now Kerr following her marriage). Interesting footnote: without the videotape, the men could have spent the rest of their lives in state prison if they were convicted of kidnapping and aggravated rape with a handgun. But the woman’s false accusation is a misdemeanor punishable by no more than six months in county jail. It’s only because she took several thousand dollars from a taxpayer-funded victims’ assistance program that she was charged with two felonies.

If jurors aren’t impressed with her tale, Kerr faces a maximum sentence of 44 months.


Taylor Rain writes…. Jenna Haze and I are from the OC, so .. SAY SOMETHIN!!!

Your article about Jenna Haze had no point and seemed like a personal attack on her [Gustavo Arellano’s “
Local Girl Gone Gonzo,” Feb. 10]. Why would you publish her real last name? I have personally known Jenna for a little over a year. She’s a very kind and intelligent person. She may not be perfect, but apparently she is a better person than you. Next time you want to write an article, make sure it has a point.

Jon E.
Via e-mail

I just read an article that you wrote on Jenna Haze. What was the point of it? Did it tell us anything other than that yet another person who lives in Orange County is a porn star? What was the purpose of publishing her real name? Are you proud of yourself now? You are a very sad LITTLE person.

Anthony M.
Via e-mail

Editor responds: The point? Um, I don’t know, maybe that it was our SEX Issue. Our SEX Issue being the issue in which we deal a lot with subjects and people involved in SEX. See, if it had been our MUSIC Issue, we would have had a lot of stuff about MUSIC, you know, musicians and record-store owners and others involved in MUSIC. But this was our SEX Issue, and so we featured a lot of people involved in SEX like sex surrogates, sex therapists, sex-shop managers and, yes, porn stars. See how that works? As to your outrage about our using Jen’s real name, do me a favor. Go ahead and Google “Jenna Haze.” I’ll wait . . . okay, go ahead and click on that third entry from Wikipedia. Great. Now what does that first line say? “Jenna Haze (born Jennifer Corrales on Feb. 22, 1982 in Fullerton, California, USA).” This is not some big secret. In fact, Jenna’s own people didn’t have a problem with it. Her agent even e-mailed us after the story ran and requested additional copies.


TMFR Writes, more incredible stuff from the ONLY credible news source on the planet, OC WEEKLY

‘While red-blooded Americans love their barely legal lesbian porn, they frown mightily on barely legal, honest-to-God lesbian love’


I am a 26-year-old lesbian in a relationship with a 21-year-old. We’ve been together for five years. She is a brilliant student with a bright future. I love her, but I feel we need to part.

I am worried about how she would get along financially without me. I make good money, and while I don’t totally support her, she couldn’t pay rent and bills on her own without being fiscally miserable. She doesn’t have friends she could move in with, and her only source of income is a work-study job. She could just get a regular job like most college students, but then she’d have to give up many of the opportunities she’s earned by being a hard-working student.

Would it be wrong to want to help support her if I were to move out? Like I said, I love her very much, but I want to be on my own for a while.

Good Friend, Bad Girlfriend?

I’ll get shitloads of angry e-mails if I don’t make this point, so let’s get it out of the way: She’s 21, you’re 26, and you’ve been together for five years? That means she was—oh, the humanity!—16 and you were 21 when you met. While red-blooded Americans love their barely legal lesbian porn, they frown mightily on barely legal, honest-to-God lesbian love. For shame, tut-tut, how do you sleep at night, etc.

Okay, GFBG, if she’s really that brilliant an undergrad, then your girlfriend can figure out how to take care of herself. A little fiscal misery, like a little barely legal lesbian action, is a cherished part of the college experience—and putting your own ass through college can be every bit as educational as those other opportunities she’s earned through her hard work.

So split, GFBG—unless . . .

You know, something about your letter sticks in my craw. What 21-year-old college student doesn’t “have friends she could move in with”? If she has college-age friends, then she surely has friends or friends of friends looking for roommates. I’m concerned she may have no friends at all other than you. If that’s the case, GFBG, then you have been a very, very bad girlfriend. As the older and wiser woman in this relationship, it was your responsibility to encourage your then-teenage lover to have a well-rounded social life—in other words, friends in addition to a girlfriend. If you didn’t do that, GFBG, if you consciously or subconsciously attempted to isolate your young girlfriend, if you discouraged her from making friends she could rely on if, say, you ever dumped her, then you are in large part responsible for her predicament. If that’s the case, then you’re morally obligated to offer her short-term financial support once you split. Enough money to cover rent for six months would give her the time to find a job, make some friends and get on her feet.


Here’s one for you: My girlfriend and I have been living together for two years, and we’ve talked about marriage and kids. Like all relationships, ours wasn’t perfect. But what really bothered me was my girlfriend’s relationship with her brother. They were touchy-feely in a way that felt inappropriate. Two weeks ago, I came home and found my girlfriend in her brother’s arms on the couch. They freaked at my sudden arrival and jumped up, providing me with a clear view of the outline of a boner in his pants. Guilt was on their faces. After he left, I demanded to know what was going on. At first, my girlfriend insisted I had a dirty mind. I told her that I recognize a boner when I see one, and she confessed they had been having incestuous relations since they were teenagers—and didn’t think it was a big deal! I told her it was a huge deal to me because (A) she’s cheating on me, (B) she’s cheating on me with her brother, and (C) EWWW.

I asked her to move out, which she took very badly. Of course everyone—family, friends, neighbors—is asking what happened. I’m also seriously missing the woman I thought would be my wife. Am I forcing my morality on her, as she insists? Or is ditching her a no-brainer? I can’t even think clearly anymore. Is this a case of DTBFA—dump the brotherfucker already?

Serious Incest Since Teens Appalled Him


What is with the incest letters lately? Was the incest taboo rescinded, and only SISTAH and I failed to get the memo? Motherfuckers, brotherfuckers, fatherfuckers—just reading the subject lines on my e-mails is giving me screaming nightmares. Eesh.

Listen, SISTAH: dumping the brotherfucker was the right thing to do—a no-brainer, a definite case of DTBFA. Would you want the future mother of your children to regard incest as anything other than the taboo-to-the-10th-power it is and, if I have anything to say about it, always will be? And don’t worry about your ex-girlfriend’s future prospects—there’s a guy besides her brother out there for her somewhere. Google can help her find a guy who has both a cuckold and an incest fetish, i.e., the kind of guy who is not only turned on by the thought of his mate being unfaithful, but also would find it extra-special nifty if his wife was cheating on him with her own brother. That guy ain’t you.

As for your family, friends, and neighbors, refrain from telling them the whole truth—your ex has enough problems without everyone knowing she’s a brotherfucker. But when you’re asked why the two of you broke up, SISTAH, you have every right to say that she was cheating on you with another man.


There’s nobody else I can ask about this, so I hope you can reply. I’m a straight woman in my mid-40s. I’ve been married more than two decades. Ten years ago, my husband’s already-low sex drive disappeared altogether. He won’t talk about it. I know he’s not having an affair.

I ran into an old lover and we had an amazing one-afternoon fling. Realizing I couldn’t live without sex any longer, I told my husband (nicely—it is hard to say things like this to someone you love) that I didn’t think he cared what I did, and he didn’t disagree. (I didn’t tell him about the fling.) Now, I’ve met a gentleman who is sweet and kind and attentive. He is married and in the same situation I am. Discretion is absolute, and we play safe. When we make love, I can’t believe I waited so long.

This relationship has made me happier than I’ve been in years. I feel alive, healthier, and all those little daily annoyances bother me less. Coworkers have remarked on how “well” I look. Is there anything wrong with what I’m doing? Is there anything wrong with me that I am not feeling guilty?

Frustrated No More

You have nothing to feel guilty about, FNM.

Your infidelity, your discretion and your compassion are saving not one, but two marriages. While your actions fall short of the romantic ideal of marriage, your marriage falls short of that ideal—and so does your lover’s marriage. You’ve both accepted your imperfect spouses for who they are and your imperfect marriages for what they are, and you’ve made the kind of imperfect accommodation that allows many passionless but otherwise valuable marriages to survive. In a case like yours, FNM, infidelity can be the loving, responsible, marriage-salvaging choice. Stop feeling guilty. Enjoy.


Taylor Rain presents a new series for, the Ask A Beener section.

Todays installment, The age old nagging question about pussy hair!

By Gustavo Arellano

Illustration by Mark Dancey
The Beener!!!
Dear Beener,
I’ve tried to get my Mexican wife to trim her pubic hair down to a landing strip, but I couldn’t convince her. I was once able to get her to shave it completely, and it looked great, but now she won’t even trim it! I don’t even ask anymore. Can you please clarify this for me? Is trimming the pubic area taboo in Mexican culture?

Panocha Paul

Dear Gabacho,
The hairy Mexican pussy existed until a generation ago, when feminine grooming was still the—what shall we call it?—bailiwick of slutty gabachas. Times have changed: a recent survey from the bushmasters at Remington shows 67 percent of ladies under 45 shave their hoo-hah. The study doesn’t break down the numbers by ethnicity or class, but Kristi at Newport Beach’s Studio 486 beauty salon can vouch for Mexican gals pampering their panocha. “I’d say a third of my clientele is Mexican,” she says. “I get Spanish-only speakers, little chola girls, rich women, older ladies—all kinds.” Although she subscribes to the theory that many immigrant women were taught to “not touch themselves down there,” Kristi says the most guilt-ridden ladies are actually Indian and European. “The main reason women wax nowadays is they like to feel clean and it makes them feel pretty,” Kristi adds, “and that applies to all races.” If your wife allows her rose to bloom too much, Panocha Paul, she either isn’t interested in you anymore or she’s auditioning for the Hirsute Honeys porno series.

Read More Beener Stories at the ONLY publication recommended by Taylor RainOC Weekly


Student had 80,000 child porn images 

An Australian university student accused of being part of an international ring of child pornographers streaming videos live on the Internet had more than 80,000 images on his computer, police said yesterday.

The 38-year-old Queensland man was one of four Australians arrested after police in the United States and Canada infiltrated an Internet chat room to stop the ring trading in pornography.

So far, at least 27 people have been arrested in Australia, the United States, Canada and Britain.

Queensland police said the student, who was remanded in jail after appearing in court charged with possession and distribution of child exploitation material, may have had some authority in the group.

"He was an administrator of the chat room which gave him the authority to allow people to enter the room," Detective Superintendent Ross Barnett said.

Barnett said the man allegedly had 17 gigabytes, or more than 80,000 images, of pornographic material featuring children on his computer. He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison if convicted.

Police said the three other Australians detained include a 30-year-old man from New South Wales, a 56-year-old Victorian man and a 22-year-old Queensland man.

The three have been charged with possessing child pornography and using a carriage service for child pornography material.

"This is a group of dedicated paedophiles around the world who are using this secure chat room to trade large volumes of child pornography," Barnett said.

Australian Federal Police said it was possible more Australians could be involved in the ring, which used a secret chat room to trade thousands of graphic images and videos of child pornography for their own purposes rather than for profit.

US officials said some of the videos included "molestation on demand" of both children and infants. The images are "truly horrifying," said Julie Myers, the assistant secretary for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Source: China Daily


“X romance” worth $3 million?



Sex sells. If it involves a big boy like Colin Farrell, it booms. And if it involves a glam girl with one-fourth desi genes, the price can simply shoot up to many many millions.

Colin Farrell and Nicole Narain (

 BEIJING, March. 17 (Xinhuanet) — Sex sells. If it involves a big boy like Colin Farrell, it booms. And if it involves a glam girl with one-fourth desi genes, the price can simply shoot up to many many millions.

    The former glamour model Nicole Narain – Playboy’s Miss January 2002 — has been seeking to market a videotaped sex session with the ‘Alexander’ of Hollywood-Colin Farrell and if the buzz is to be believed, the Indian-American model could get a whopping a $3 million as advance payment from an Internet porn outfit for this.

    According to, Nicole Narain is stipulated in an October 2005 option agreement she signed with Internet Commerce Group (ICG), the Arizona firm that would be poised to distribute the 15-minute video if Farrell’s Los Angeles Superior Court legal challenge fails.

    Nicole Narain dated the Hollywood hellraiser three years ago.
   The video reportedly shows the movie hunk engaging in sex acts with the former model during their brief romance.

    Narain has insisted the pair never agreed to keep the tape private, and hoped to have the case dismissed in order to benefit financially by its public release.     

    Leodis Matthews, an attorney for Narain, said: ‘Sales of the videotape could represent significant income for my client.
    “It would rival that of the notorious Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee sex tape,” he said.

    There is a rider though. To get to that point, Nicole needs to prevail in her lawsuit against the Hollywood star, who is suing to keep the steamy video under wraps.


Fayner Posts: So they’re sitting here, Taylor Rain and Keith and Fayner, and Fayner asks Keith why he gave him a copy of Trantastic, and Keith says "I want you to see how vulgur it is" and Fayner says "Fuck that, Dawg!" and TR says "Fuck that, Dawg!" and Keith says to TR "You’re in it!" and TR says to Keith "What?" and Keith says "In the BTS (behind the scenes), you’re walking down the stairs all fast saying ‘I’m out of here’" and TR says "Let me watch it, if I’m in that damn tranny movie I want all the copies pulled off the shelves!" and then to Fayner she says "Go get the copy ’cause I wanna see" and then Keith goes back to work and like 20 minutes has passed since then and TR has forgotten all about issuing a recall and the world has avoided yet another catostrophe because someone was too stoned to remember.