Gene Ross at Adult Cyber Mart posted an interesting story today about Andy San Dimas [source]
Andy San Dimas Warns Industry Girls: Don’t Get Tattoos; Which Parody is She Dumping On?

I wish Andy San Dimas had been around when the hooker with the $10 bill tattooed on her ass came to visit me. That incident may have damaged me for life especially with the fact that $10 ass tattoos are not redeemable at Barnes & Noble.
Nonetheless, San Dimas, who plays Adrian in the porn parody of Rocky, shares that piece of advice with wannbe female performers in the adult industry. Don’t get tattoos.
San Dimas, who sports three on her left arm, must know what she’s talking about. She aired her views in a Rocky parody BTS’er with the show’s director Will Ryder including at the end of her interview taking a shot at some other parody she found horrible.
Ryder says the tattoos give her an image as being a wild chick and they needed to do some cover-up for the Rocky movie.
“I wish I didn’t have these,” rues San Dimas.
“They can really hinder your work and I hate wearing tattoo makeup, but I’ll do it. I don’t mind that it’s there, but you’re conscious about getting it on clothes and getting it on white furniture or a wall. It’s very obnoxious to deal with. My advice to young porn girls, don’t get tattoos.”
San Dimas’ Adrian character, who lives with Ron Jeremy in the movie, starts out looking dowdy and frumpy. But by the end of the feature she’s back to being this sex bomb her fans know and love.
“He [Jeremy playing Pauly] orders her around like a maid until she meets this guy Rocky,” explains San Dimas.
“She’s not too sure about him at first because she’s a goody-goody and he seems like a bum. A girl like Adrian wouldn’t usually date a fighter. I think it scares her a little bit, but eventually she becomes sexier as Rocky’s star rises in the boxing world.”
Ryder admitted that a creative tug-of-war presented itself by portraying San Dimas’ character as too plain versus the sex bomb that lurks beneath the cat glasses. An effective compromise was reached. Even San Dimas worried about how it would be brought off.
“But after I saw the picture of me posing as Adrian, it wasn’t that bad,” she admits. Even, she says, the part where she has to embrace a sweaty Anthony Rosano [playing Rocky] in the ring to tell him she loves him.
Asked what she thought about Rosano’s portrayal, San Dimas, a former video store clerk, comments, “I think he did a really good job. He’s always a great actor, always knows his lines and that’s why I enjoy working with him.”
The 2011 XBiz Awards’ Female Performer of the Year, San Dimas, who’s been in the business close to five years, also shared a Best Acting Nod with India Summer in This Ain’t Glee XXX.
“To me you’ve become one of the go-to girls in the industry,” observes Ryder whoalso cast San Dimas in the parody of Charlie’s Angels.
At this point in her career, San Dimas say she’s leaning more towards acting.
“Before I wouldn’t have said that. I started out as kind of a gonzo-girl and then once people figured out I can act and memorize things, my gonzo career has pretty much died.
“So I always play a character, a sitcom character or I find myself playing the token alt-chick which I do really well- as the bad girl.
“I feel more at home with parodies than with the gonzo-stuff. I used to say that I’d rather be on gonzo sets but that’s kind of lazy thinking. In the end I get more out of doing a parody or a feature. I feel more accomplished. You become a bigger star and get noticed and people have more respect for you.”
For his part, Ryder says as a producer and director with X-Play he goes to great lengths to get the parodies just right.
“We try to make them really, really good. We spend money on them. We get the sets right. We try to get the action right. I get just about everyone’s parodies sent to me or get I copy of them and watch. There are some really good ones out there, but there’s some really, really crappy ones, too.
“As a producer I’m blown away even if the laugh track’s not appropriate or the editing is terrible.”
He asks San Dimas if, on the set, she can tell what’s a good one or a bad parody.
“Yeah, because I’m usually never hired for the bad ones,” she laughs.
“I’m not going to name names of this particular parody, but there is this show that I’m a huge fan of. I know every thing about it. I begged people for like two years to make this parody and everyone told me no one wants to see those people fuck. It’s never going to happen.
“Well then one day I hear that they’re making it and they’ve already cast it. I was not in it. The girl that they chose to play the character that I wanted to play, they didn’t put a wig on her, and she didn’t look anything like her.
“With me you wouldn’t have needed a wig. They were on a very tight budget and couldn’t afford to pay me to be in the movie. Which, honestly, I was such a big fan of the show I probably would have worked out something just to be in it.
“I wound up watching the trailer for it, and it’s terrible, like no one has ever seen the show. I don’t even think the person writing it saw the show.”
In case you missed the interview we did with San Dimas back in the day: READ IT HERE