What a crazy year 2008 was. I can hardly believe it’s already 2009. Last year just went by so totally fast. My sister and I have been so busy we haven’t really had much time to post anything lately but I hope you’ll forgive us when we tell you that we have a lot of great new things coming for the new year. 2009 has already started off wonderful. We found out not to long ago that a few of our movies are getting award nominations from AVN and that’s really cool including our movie Virtual Vivid Girls, The Love Twins which is up for Best Interactive DVD. How totally cool is that?
We also have a movie nominated for Best All-Girl group Sex Scene, which is Where The Boys Aren’t 19. We did the scene that is nominated with an amazing group of girls including Lanny Barby and Savanna Samson and Monique and Tera Patrick, Tawny Roberts, Stefani Morgan, and last but not least, Lexie Marie.
The sad news is that we won’t be able to go to Vegas this year to meet our fans or to attend the awards show but the good news is that just a few weeks later we will be headed to LA to work for the first time with our new booking agency, Goldstar Modeling. We are a little nervous but also excited to make some new friends. We don’t really know what projects Goldstar Modeling has lined up for us but we know it’s at least 3 or 4 of them.
I thought we would end the year by answering some questions fans have sent in but I didn’t get around to making this post until the year was already over so we’ll make it a start of the new year post about answering fans questions.
Do you regret anything you have done so far?
Well of course. Who doesn’t have regrets in life. I am sure if I put my mind to it I could come up with something I regretted doing but if you mean do me or my sister regret anything we’ve done career wise, then the answer is no way. We love what we do. We are both very shy. I think the correct phrase is painfully shy in real life and being in the movies helps us live out fantasies that otherwise we would never be able to do. So do we regret being porn stars? Heck no!
When you first started for Vivid you did only features, now you do mostly gonzo, which do you prefer?
It’s easier to make the kind of movies we make now because it doesn’t require us to do things like remember lines but that doesn’t mean we didn’t enjoy making the features either. Lyndsey and I really did enjoy the time we spent at Vivid and I want to be very clear on that but in the end there is nothing like showing up on the set of say a Jules Jordan movie. It’s crazy, very open ended and not so structured. It’s freedom and the ability to express yourself sexually. There is just nothing like making a movie where they aren’t trying to get a specific number of sex acts in a certain time but instead just being told GO! And you are free to do whatever moves you.
What are you looking forward to doing in the future?
We look forward to working on some new movies next year and the redesign of our official website. That’s going to be cool. I think my sister would like to add that she looks forward to getting that new computer we’ve been talking about so she doesn’t have to share one with me anymore.
Would you ever have sex with a fan? Or at least go to dinner with one?
No we don’t date fans. We don’t date or “party” with directors or friends or investors of directors. Nothing against those girls who do, it is just not our thing. Most of our fans would probably be surprised how shy and reserved we really are in real life and how much we don’t party. I would say we are probably the most boring porn stars out there. When we aren’t on the set of one of our movies or doing a photo shoot for a website we are at home on the computer. We don’t even drink.
There has been a lot of talk lately about porn stars hiring people to run their myspace pages. Do you run your own?
I think anyone who takes two seconds to look at our myspace page can clearly see we do it ourselves. It’s not fancy at all. I’m not really all that computer savvy so really it’ s a place I like to experiment with. But you know, if we had the money we would totally let someone come in and help us out. I don’t see anything wrong with that at all. Actually come to think of it, we do have a friend who helps us update photos and stuff on our website and facebook page so that’s kind of the same thing. Speaking of our official website, we are havign it redone for us and I’m really excited. We are going to change it up to a blong thing so it will be easier for us to do updates on our own. Our friend is helping us set that up. I don’t know when it will be done but she said “soon” so hopefully that means in the next few days.
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