We here at Lukeford read from Luke over at Lukeisback, who use to own Lukeford and his name really is Luke… WHAT??

Luke is reporting that there is some news coming from Metro / Video Team!
Luke says that Metro may be merging with Video Team or simply buying them out… details to come.

On a personal note. I was at Metro in 2004 when Kenny G and Christian first started talks about a merger/joint venture. It was SO DAMN CLOSE, I remember the night Kenny Guarino had Christian Mann at his house in Beverly Hills to discuss the lines, titles, websites. I thought the next day I’d be getting called into a meeting to hear the news. But talks broke off and I know Kenny was really disappointed. More than likely Les Rich, the bumbling fuck up lawyer who runs Metro into ground, probably fducked it up, he fucks up everything else he touches.

And now to hear Luke breaking this kind of news is great. I hope Kenny G pulls this off, he deserves it. People love to bash Metro and evethough there is a lot of incompetence in that company, Kenny G is a great man and it would good to see him back on top. A purchase like this just might make that happen.

It was an honor to work under Kenny G directly, he taught me A LOT. If he was in control of Metro it would be the number one company in the business. But he has so many other interests that require his attention that he can’t be in all places at the same time. I truly hope something great happens for Kenny G and Metro… with the right team in place, it will once again be a great company!!!!!


Taylor Rain Posts (and Fayner edits): I spent the weekend chillin at the house mostly!

Saturday Keith and I went to see my dad in the OC, ate some italian food, all good!

Yesterday me, Keith, Anthony and Kelly all took the dogs to the beach on PCH and had a great time. Kelly and I drove in the 645i convertible, top down!!Keith and Anthony followed with the dogs in the Escalade. Bandit and Booger kept running into the water after sticks and tennis balls. And I brought the newest addition to our family too. SMOKEY!!!

I know a lot of you thought I had a kid, I got over 100 emails to congratulating me on the new baby, but oopsie I made a poopsie, it wasn’t a 2 legged kid, it was a four legged kid that I got from a pit bull breeder.

Smokey is a female Blue Nose Pitbull !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someday you’ll be reading about me having a baby, I can’t wait because then I can go to xxxporntalk and read all the shit they talk about me havin a baby. Man people really do hate me over there, why I don’t know. You’d think I did something to them personally for them to hate. How do you hate someone you’ve never met? Weird, but all good. I love xxxporntalk, mostly because it’s uncensored. I like that fact that you can post what you want there, good or bad. I don’t mind people hatin’ on me, I have a lot of fans and I have haters, so it’s all good.

Anyway, i went off subject.

here are pics of me and ‘Smokey & The Bandit’