This week in retirement news ….

Lots of retirements lately. Of course we’ve already reported on Mark Davis this week but also add to that the Nick Manning who XBIZ reported on his retirement from porn and move into mainstream.

Today Lukeisback announced that Molly Cavalli from Molly’s life is calling it quits too.

Good luck to them all in whatever their future endeavors may be.

Mark Davis Retires

If you follow porn stud Mark Davis on twitter @MarkDavisXXX, on Friday you might have seen his goodbye to porn tweets.

OK here it is people, as of today l am retiring from the PORN BIZ. This is not a joke and it’s been a great ride. (September 28, 2012 at 12:18 pm)

Thanks for all the support and LOVE. Much appreciated. (September 28, 2012 at 10:04 pm)


So it’s official. Mark Davis is retired.


Fayner Posts: This was too silly to not write about, even if it is about my boss Ms. Taylor Muthafucking Rain.

We went out to lunch yesterday at P.F. Chang’s in Woodland Hills, TMFR and I, in her sweet-ass Escalade. The parking lot was as full as it would be if Guy Lombardo was doing a free concert.

In other words, the parking lot was pretty much empty.

But TMFR, in complete TMFR fashion, drove past the free parking and stopped in front of the valet.

“What’s wrong with you?” I shouted.

“What’s up, dawg?”

“You just drove past like fifty free spaces. The valet is actually farther away then the free parking. Are you aware you’re a dumb-ass?”

Apparently she wasn’t aware she’s a dumb-ass cause she still chose to utilize the services of the valet.

“Will he be bringing the car over to us when we’re done with lunch, or will we have to walk through the freakin’ desert to get to the car?”

TMFR paid no attention to me, just paid the valet and walked the extra 200 feet to the restaurant. Porn chicks. Damn.

In other PF Chang’s news, we ran into Mark Davis when we were leaving and are happy to announce that the popular male sex performer does not have cancer.

Did he even have cancer? You may ask. Well, no, he didn’t, but when we asked his what he was up to he said “well, my scene just got cancelled and I’m out for a ride on my Harley” which to both of us sounded quite a bit like “well I just got cancer and I’m out for a ride on my Harley” when mixed with a British accent.