Supreme Court Nominee Eleana Kagan is the Devil

I can remember being 14 years old and my mother sitting me and my sisters down and explaining the concept of a woman’s right to chose and as I got older I learned about the many generations of woman before me and what they had to go through to secure my right to chose what I do with my body.

No this isn’t a post about abortion.  This is actually about my overall rights as a woman including my right to express myself in dance, which may or may not include me being half naked when doing so.  This also includes my right to want to marry or not want to marry.  This also includes my right to want to have a job and now apparently some stupid bitch has decided I may no longer chose for myself in certain areas of my life.

Apparently as a woman if I chose what she doesn’t agree with them I’m just to stupid to know better because she wants to outlaw my right to get naked … my right to suck a cock on camera …. and my right to bend over and take it up the ass from a man and turn that into a movie.

I am a pornographer, what this new Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan would call a “pimp” and she does not believe woman are capable of making the informed decision to pursue a career in adult entertainment and anyone who helps them do so should be jailed.

I am a female and I chose my line of work.  I wasn’t pushed into it.  I wasn’t tricked into it.  It’s my body and it’s my decision to do what I want to do.

Read what she said very carefully because the words from spewing from her evil mouth could very much effect you in the very near future – “New and harsher penalties against the kinds of violence against women that takes place in producing pornography, the use of pandering statutes and pimp statutes against pornographers…perhaps the initiation—the enactment of new statutes prohibiting the hiring of women for commercial purposes to engage in sexual activities.”

Source of the quote about Kagan is from Politico

I am an educated woman and I don’t want anyone trying to tell me what I can and can’t do with my body.  I’m not a bad person for enjoying sex and I’m not a bad person for being proud of my body and wanting to share it with others.  Generations of woman before us have fought hard to ensure that I have the right to do just that and how dare this evil bitch try and take rights away from woman — IT IS OUR BODY AND IT IS OUR RIGHT TO CHOSE WHAT WE DO WITH IT!


One thought on “Supreme Court Nominee Eleana Kagan is the Devil

  1. I’m afraid it is time, once again, for Larry Flynt to reach into his collection of dossiers to blackmail, or just threaten to expose, key politicians who have been Kagan’s handlers.

    After Kagan delivered her poisonous lecture to the assembled Dworkinites, she undertook a career with the Clinton Administration in which she went along with Bubba’s detente with the San Fernando Valley. That is why Dworkin’s current key disciples – Gail Dines, Robert Jensen – have been quiet about Kagan. They may believe she has sold out.

    Certainly, Kagan’s career track suggests opportunism writ large. But once on the Supreme Court, she won’t have to kiss anyone’s ass. She can act on her core beliefs – if she has any. In my experience, once folks sign on to the Dworkinite project, it’s for life – unless they publicly announce a change of heart. She has not yet done so.

    I don’t know which Senators will get to question her when the official SCOTUS confirmation hearings commence. But if one of then is Sen. Al Franken, it would be proper for him, an author of a Playboy article, to ask if she still stands by her stated anti-porn beliefs in general, and if she regards Hugh Hefner as a pimp in particular.

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