I may be a porn star but I’m no hooker proudly proclaims Kayden Kross, stars of such titles as Be Here Now and Deeper 9. Over at the Mike South website, Kayden Kross has been blogging up a storm and today her subject is prostitution. She points out how as a stripper, hooking on the side was looked down upon and as a porn star it’s very common place to be propositioned … even by so called industry professionals.
Kayden Kross says “I just couldn’t stand the assumption that I would fuck the fat-walrus-looking man for $300 in the back. Thats all. I don’t personally have a problem with the transaction made between a hooker and a john. I think it should be legal. There is one way to solve the CA budget deficit. Tax hookers. We’ll run Nevada out of business. But when a disgusting dude asks me if he can stick his nubby little penis somewhere in me, he’s only asking because he assumes there is a chance. I don’t like it when its assumed that I’m a hooker.”
Kayden Kross’s take on the concept of porn stars and escorting is quite insightful considering so many of her co-workers do it including girls like Pamela Peaks and our newly interviewed Sasha Hollander. What’s most interesting about her rant is that she has decided to make public any man who solicits her for sex via Myspace or from her private email account and if they send her pictures she’s going to post them too. If nothing else it will be funny to see how this one turns out.
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