Fayner Posts: This is too damn funny. No, really it is. It shows the corrupt power of our President and his willingness to toss aside laws to best suit his and his friends’ needs.
An example?
Former White House Aide Scooter Libby.
A jury ordered him to serve 2 and a half years in prison and pay $250,000. But Bush thought that was too harsh, and took away the prison sentence. Now Scooter has to only pay the money and deal with a harsh 2 years of probation.
But justice wins in the end, Bush says, because Libby’s reputation has been shattered.
I’m sure many Americans would like to see his ass cherry shattered instead.
This whole thing just shows how easily Bush and his croonies warp the rules to best fit their agenda. They’ll do the same thing when it comes to ruining the porno business. Trust me. Or don’t. I don’t care either way.