sent in from brian jenkins
Fayner Posts: Ah, Ryan Starr. Remember her? She was the chick I saw on the tv and decided to write something about in hopes of getting to bang her. she responded instantly, we flirted, she wanted another girl involved, i agreed, we tried to agree on a porno chick to invite and before we could she vanished into the thin air. i can’t remmber if i scolded her for liking post-DLR van halen and she freaked or if she was just teasing. whatever, it made for content.
anyway, i got this picture in my email showing the mormon Ryan Starr playing the part of a straight-to-video smut slut.
i like her great ass. it seems like a nice place to enter with a penis. my penis, not yours. she’s too good for your penis.
plus, i deserve her more than you do ’cause i spent like 4 hours trying to get her to fuck me.
I can tell she thoroughly enjoys dick. Good for her. Bad for me ’cause she won’t let me fuck her.
Fayner Posts: Remember Ryan Starr? She’s that sexy American Idol/Surreal Life chick that I attempted to date using limited knowledge and this web site. She answered my call, we exchanged heated emails in which she outlined a strict chain of instructions for me to follow before getting together. I did my part. I think that scared her, well, that or anything she may have read about me on this site, ’cause she ceased communication.
Guess now I’ll go about this another way. Playing ball is a thing of the past. I can’t continue acting like I think she’s the only one who can tame me. It didn’t work. Time to be honest and crude.
I want to fuck Ryan Starr. In the ass. In the cunt. In the mouth. I want to show her how a real sleazeball does things using my dirty dick and bag of drugs. She’ll be walking funny for a week.
Okay, fine, walking funny for a day and a half. She’ll never be the same, I promise that.