Jenna Presley on Cover of November Xcitement – Five-Page Interview Details Incredible Career

While images of Jenna Presley and the giant $5000 check she won on the Howard Stern Show last week have burned up the internet, there’s another hot image that has fans pulling at their hair and no doubt something else: The November cover of Xcitement magazine.
A star of both screen and the stage, the big-breasted beauty is a natural for the cover. In a magazine where editorial is at a premium, Xcitement features a five-page interview by legendary porn journalist Cindi Loftus.
Things start off with Cindi complimenting Jenna’s incredible tits and things take off from there, covering her amazing dancing career, her years of fantastic performances in the movies and just about everything sexual, including some intimate details about her scenes with Mandingo and Lexington Steele.
“I figured if I am going to do it, I am going to do it right,” she said of her entry into the interracial realm, “I wanted to please the interracial fans.”
She’s been pleasing fans since 2005 and she won the 2006 NightMoves Award for Fan Choice for Best New Starlet.
Dig the new issues of Xcitement at
To hear her appearance on the Uncle Eddie Ham Radio Show at or download the Paulie K Show podcast on iTunes or at For the official Howard Stern synopsis of the Dumber Than a Box of Rocks segment go to Read her XCritic interview at