Here’s an interesting little tidbit … Google receives over 4 million search queries every minute of every day. Which means than in any given day they get almost 6 billion search queries. (5,760,000,000) Considering the fact that the global internet population consists of only 2.4 billion people, that’s a lot of damn searches.
I looked up my history and yesterday alone I search 11 times. Had you asked me I would have said once or twice, but apparently I Google shit far more than I knew 😛
But what about other sites? Surprisingly twitter and Instagram are about neck and neck. Twitter users tweet about 277,000 every minute and Instagram users post 216,000 new photos every minute.
Vine and Pinterest are way down there on the list. Vine users only share about 8,333 videos per minute, while Pinterest users are only pinning about 3,472 images a minute.
Facebook is nowhere near the giant that Google is. It’s more around the YouTube range.
YouTube users share 72 new hours of video every single minute of every single day. While those Facebook users are updating their statuses 2,460,000 a minute.