Jack Venice still a rapist

As being reported on the Moscow-Pullman Daily News, former porn star and now ex-boyfriend of former Vivid girl Hanna Hilton, who is in jail for rape, filed and appeal and and lost. His rape conviction is upheld.

Breaking News – Reid’s rape conviction upheld
April 20, 2010, 10:46 am

The rape conviction of porn star Christopher Reid, also known as “Jack Venice,” was upheld today in the State of Washington Court of Appeals in Spokane.  Reid, 28, was convicted of second degree rape Oct. 24, 2008, after he broke into the Washington State University Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority and sexually assaulted a sleeping 21-year-old woman.

Reid was accompanied by Kyle M. Schott during the rape and during a string a break-ins at WSU sororities in September 2007. Schott testified against Reid during Reid’s 2008 trial. Reid was sentenced to a minimum of nine years and a maximum of life imprisonment in 2008.

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