DCypher posts: This is Jana Jordan. She is with Ninnworx SR. You cannot have her. Ne-ner-ne-ner-ne-ner…She is far prettier than (most of) you will ever be.
Jana hails from the mighty nation of Texas which gave unto us also Premiere Bush USA Number One, chili, and the Cowboys. She may or may not have once had a friendly Chihuahua/rat terrier named Bubbles.
She may or may not have been a model from 14 to 17 for commercial print, doing acting and “stuff like that” then converted to nude modeling when she turned 18.
She may or may not have worked for Hustler and Vivid on her way to her Ninnworx SR contract.
She definitely likes girls though. That much I do have on good authority. Having met and worked with all the other contract girls at Ninnworx SR I’d say that places her in good company. I hope Ninnworx forces them all to share a room in Vegas for AEE this year. They could install a webcam and sell that shit.
Enjoy the gallery. Go on then.