Fayner Posts: So this was an actual conversation last night at the dinner table between Taylor, her brother Tyler, me, Staci and Dez.
Dez: This stuffing is pretty good.
Taylor: It’s kosher, dawg!
Dez: Go Jew!
Tyler: What does kosher mean?
We explain to him what it means, that all the food has to be prepared a certain way with certain things too boring to mention here ’cause it is not important to the story…
Tyler: So only things from an animal can be kosher?
Fayner: What? Weren’t we just saying that the stuffing is kosher?
Tyler: Well, yeah, but, stuffing comes from inside a turkey.
Staci: What did you just say?
Tyler: Yeah, I mean, you get the stuffing from inside the turkey. Yeah, that sounds right!
The worst part about this is that he was serious.