Happy Birthday Dez

Mia Rose Writes: Fayner has agreed to let me post one thing on his site. So here it is…

Everyone knows a guy named Dez. Everyone has at least heard the name around town or seen him bangin chicks on camera with his chick Staci.

Well, over the past few months… These two have grown on me. And I consider them my closest friends, the homies as they would say. Part of the family.

And today, Dez turns 30. I just wanted to tell him how much I appreciate his friendship, and Happy Birthday.

Dez! Congrats on being clean and sober for 5 weeks!

Your latest blog had me in tears.

I know all of us "the homies" are beyond happy for you, and Staci couldn’t be more proud.

So now that you have found the grass is greener on the other side how about all of us take a walk?

Happy BDay…. Happy life… : )

Skate Track? Lol… I’m game

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