… there’s a LOT more to come from this interview!!!!

What did Cloud9 do to the content business since the blowout?
The content business was turned upside down after I did my blowout. After the blowout, Cloud9 made a deal with Metro for 78 dvds over a 2 year period.
Who were ther best people to work with?
Tan, Charmaine Starr, Daisy Marie.
And of course the worst?
How is the divorce going with Kelle?
She’s trying to ruin me. she has help ruin my lawsuits that i have filed for copyright infringement and she has gone to the other side of lawsuits filed against me in order to help them. thats why cloud9 is closing its doors. I dont have anymore money to continue to defend the company.
Why did the marriage fail?
The marriage failed because Kelle and i never agreed on anything. Nothing I ever did was good enough for her. I witnessed how she was as a mother and I realized she wasnt the one for me or my daughter.
Future plans?
I’m going to New York to start up a cable channel for autism. The cable channel will be dedicated to autistic awareness and programming for autistic children and I am going to look for another agent and see if i can reinvent myself in mainstream photography.