Fayner Posts: Porno DVDs are good.

But not to watch.

That would be gross.

Porno DVDs are good because they are the ultimate form of currency.

It’s in the history books that cavemen used stone pictures of their women naked to trade for things like food and clothes to other horny cavemen. Seriously.

No, not really.

But check this out. I was doing some cracked-out web browsing the other night and came across some chick trying to trade phone sex for porno DVDs. So I began an email back-and-forth with her about the legitimacy of her proposal.

Long story short, I just met up with her outside Jerry’s Deli and handed over 20 or so movies this morning and have already had phone sex with her about 10 minutes ago.

I got off, which is a lot more than what the movies could do for me.

She owes me 19 more phone calls.

I’m so aware of how much better I am than you. Sorry.

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