By Keith O’Connor
It’s time for everyone to take notice of one of the brightest minds and best directors in this business today, Devan "Dcypher" Cypher.
Devan is the writer for, who over the years has penned a novel, written scripts for several of todays top directors and companies, as well as directed movies for companies like Madness and Metro.
I’ve known Devan since 2003 when I hired him to write for Hardcoregossip, the site I built and launched. Over that time I’ve grown to respect Devan and place him in a class where few others stand. Devan is honest, he is sincere, he is reliable and he is brilliant. Although this is a business that can suck the will and goodness out of most people, Devan has the inner fortitude to overcome it all, in part because of the strength and support he has from one of the most beautiful women in the world, his longtime girlsfriend Justine Joli.
Devan and Justine are a very select few that I’ve actually enjoyed spending time with, a dinner at Ruths Chris or time spent talking in a parking lot. In a business packed with liars and backstabbers, both Devan and Justine are so far from the norm!!
When I was hired to run production for Metro Interactive one of my first decisions was to hire Devan to write and direct a movie, Prisoner. People laughed at me and many of the Metro hierarchy were synical of me, thinking I was "giving one of my friends work without any merit". I’ve always believed in Devan, and I’ve known Devan as someone who would never take on a project he didn’t completely believe in. In the beginning it was hard, management tore apart Devans budget and threw it back in my lap, and Devan sacraficed many of the artistic views he had for the movie just to get it done. What did he produce? A movie that will certainly be up for movie of the year, already picked as Editors Choice by AVN.
And now… he has done it again, with The Pornographer, a soon to be released Cal Vista title. This movie looks even better than Prisoner, something I expect from Devan, always looking to improve!!
So, it with great pride and happiness, that I can truly say, my good friend Devan has arrived and is finally being given the credit he has earned and the responsibility he richly deserves.
I’m fortunate to be able to say I was with him from the beginning of this wonderful ride. I’m fortunate to be able to say he and Justine are my friends.
Dcypher should win Best Director for Prisoner and the movie Priaoner should win Best Movie.
Congrats to you my friend!!! You deserve it!!