The Only Way to SAVE PORN is to Stop Stealing it

Today a twitter movement began with the trending topic of SAVE PORN.   Those chiming in were saying stuff like SAVE PORN – STOP SOPA.  Really?  Do you think that stopping people from illegally downloading porn is what is going to save it?

The only way to save porn is for you to stop stealing it!

Now that being said, I am actually not for SOPA.  SOPA while good in theory as a means to take down pirate websites like those owned by Manwin and Brazzers, only invites trouble and opens up a Pandora’s box by giving a system that invites corruption and abuse.  But if you are going to support a cause, don’t you think you should fully understand what the hell the cause even is?

Corporate supporters of Senate 968 (PIPA) and HR 3261 (SOPA) demand the ability to take down any web site (including craigslist, Wikipedia, or Google) that hurts their profits — without prior judicial oversight or due process  — in the name of combating “online piracy.”

PIPA and SOPA authors and supporters insist they’d only go after foreign piracy sites, but Internet Engineers understand this is an attempt to impose “Big Brother” controls on our Internet, complete with DNS hijacking and censoring search results. Incredibly, many Congress Members favor this idea.

Tell Congress you OPPOSE Senate 968 “Protect IP Act” (PIPA) and H.R. 3261 “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA).

So I invite you today to take a stand to really SAVE PORN. I want you to spread the word. Tweet this link and let people know you do care about your porn. You don’t want it to go away but the only way to save porn is for people to stop stealing it. TAKE A STAND AND BE HEARD! Speak the truth and lead the way.

Show your favorite porn stars you love what they do and that you want to see them to continue doing it. Our message is short and simple …. the only way you can SAVE PORN is to stop stealing it. So show your support for the real SAVE PORN movement and click the tweet button above.