Dale DaBone sells out Jennifer Capriati for $1500?

Just read an interesting story over at Kikster that basically says the owner of the site paid $1500 for pictures of porn star Dale Dabone’s ex-girlfriend, former tennis great Jennifer Capriati.  The photos are of Dale Dabone and his ex-girlfriend and she has some clearly visible “booger sugar” in her nose.   The real story is though that the person who bought the photos kind of turned on Dale Dabone and sort of gave him shit for selling out his ex-girlfriend, calling him a scorned lover.

Dale Dabone has only recently returned to porn after some time off and landed the big role as Batman in Vivid’s Batman XXX.

From Kikster – Everyone knows that there is nothing worse than a scorned lover… especially when the paybacks can come in a public forum.

Jennifer Capriati is finding herself victim to the “scorned lover syndrome”.  In an age where images and stories = money and fame… No celebrity is safe!   Celebs traditionally have always dated within their sector and rarely branched out and dated “down” with a civilian.  They use each other for comfort and press and when it’s over… they walk away and onto the next headline.

But when it comes to dating a civilian… there is always a risk of them running to the press and selling you out..literally selling!  In the last year Tiger and Jesse James’ mistresses have made a fortune off of banging them and then squeeeeeeealing to the press about it.  The girls found a way to get money and fame, coming away unscathed and with a world of opportunities lying ahead of them.  How the hell does that happen?  Groupies used to be a click that would never kiss and tell… now they are trying to set up cameras and paparazzi to cash in on their kill!

I paid like a total of $1,500 for the Capriati pics (It was worth it for me to come up with a ton of terms for her powder donut nose) and I got my bang for the buck…  but was it really worth it for her ex??

I know I have had a million ops to bbq my ex and have passed at every chance… I guess I am just old school!