Damage Control…A Reality in PR

The adult industry has been part of some pretty awful press for the last year or so for everything from cyber bullying to drugs and beyond. Many times, when someone has bad press, they turn to a publicist or PR firm for help. Sometimes it can help, and other times not so much so.

We had a client who had a bad reputation for being difficult on set (and that’s putting it mildly). We told her to treat everyone on set with respect, no matter what their job was. Then, we suggested a name change and worked with her to come up with a new name. Everything was going well until she went back to her old ways and yelled at the director and his assistant. Then, her agency dropped her, word got around she was back to her old tricks, and then she couldn’t afford PR. She ended up leaving the industry. The lesson here is that if you want to fix your reputation is that you have to want to change and continue with the new behavior.

What about someone who has committed some horrible crimes? The crimes will be always tried in a court of public opinion–everyone has their thoughts. After they go before a court, that’s when everything changes. Based on that verdict, that’s when you will look at damage control. Even if that person is NOT found guilty, it will be hard to change public opinion. Going away for awhile or reinventing themselves might work, but it also might not. It’s all case by case.

We’ve become experts in damage control over the years. If you’ve had some bad press or image issues, we might be able to help. Hit us up at info@therubpr.com.

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