Jenna Jameson rips Ortiz on Twitter Again

First he called her a druggie crazy whore and now it’s her turn … she calls him a drug addicted, wife beating, child abusing ass hat, or something like that. [source]

This of course on the heels of Jenna announcing she is now writing an erotic fiction novel ala 50 shades.

Tito Ortiz might be retired, but he’s still taking shots — this time from his ex-girlfriend.

Famed porn star Jenna Jameson went on the offensive on Twitter, accusing the former UFC champ of everything from drug use to nearly killing her. Jameson’s verbal assault seems to stem from her losing primary custody of their twin boys in April. Ortiz began dating Jameson in 2006, and Jameson gave birth to the couple’s twins in 2009.

But the couple has had a rocky history. Ortiz was arrested and charged with felony domestic violence in 2010 at the couple’s California home. Both parties later recanted the allegations. On Thursday, Jameson took to Twitter with shocking allegations against Ortiz, with the former UFC champ responding with photos of his twins (we assume playing while under his care on Wednesday), before Jameson eventually swore off Twitter altogether.

Here is how the events began.

(Jenna’s tweets in order – the last tweet being the last one listed below)


  • My ex took my poor children away from me for NO reason. He did drugs and faked drug tests for UFC. I all my time with my babies, he partied
  • And I have proof!
  • You didn’t even show your face while the boys grew, now you want to beat me up????
  • If you don’t like what I’m saying, sue me for my home your living in, sue me forfurniture YOU have, sue me for my Phantom! Keep up your lies
  • I will start posting pics of Tito and his drug use. Lets talk the truth!!!!!!
  • My children need their mother not a random drug adddict
  • Here is 1 pic of titos drawer
  • Soon the story of how he almost killed me in February will be public
  • Our kids will question you when they are old enough….. I watch them cry mon stop when they have to leave me
  • Here is more drugs Tito kept prior to fights… Scared me and scared my kids. I won’t lie for him anymore
  • I’ve been bullied long enough. I only want my kids
  • Whenever I feel abandoned, I push harder. I will not allow lies
  • No real man takes children from their mommy
  • He can say whatever he wants, but I know the truth. He beat me, and never was a father, bullied me, then disallowed my poor babies
  • I am so done with twitter
  • Somebody is vomiting on nobody givivesacrap#liar .com



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