Spain Develops Aids Vaccine with 90% Effectiveness!

Ever heard of MVA-B?  Well no doubt you will be hearing about it all the time, very soon because researchers in Spain have developed one of the most powerful AIDs vaccines with a reported 90% accuracy.  NINETY PERCENT!  [source]

Spain develops one of the “most powerful” prototypes for an AIDS vaccine

The Spanish vaccine “MVA-B” against the AIDS virus, patented by the Higher Council for scientific research (CSIC), has achieved an immune response of 90% in a phase I clinical trial, one of the best responses of the immune system of the registered to date.

Those responsible for the project said Wednesday in Madrid, 90% of the volunteers undergoing the compound has developed an immune response to the virus, and 85% of them had it for at least one year. Its safety and efficacy are described in separate articles in the magazines “Vaccine” and “Journal of Virology”.

In 2008, the “MVA-B” showed a high efficiency in mice and macaques, and protection against the Simian immunodeficiency virus. This finding led to the implementation of the clinical trial in 30 healthy volunteers, led by the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and the Gregorio Marañón in Madrid.

The success of the treatment is based on the immune system can be trained to respond to the virus particles and cells infected on a lasting basis.

The researcher at the national centre of biotechnology of the CSIC Mariano Esteban, responsible for the development of the compound, ensures that the “‘MVA-B’ has proved to be as powerful or better than vaccines currently in Studio”.

Said the head of the team of Hospital Gregorio Marañón, doctor Juan Carlos Lopez Bernaldo of Quirós, side effects have been produced are “which is expected in any kind of vaccination”, mainly of local type in the area of injection. “The safety of the vaccine is optimal, there has not been any adverse effect that has compromised the health of the volunteers,” reiterated this expert.

However, the doctor responsible for the research team of the Clínic, Felipe García, advised to “take caution” outcomes, that the treatment has been tested only in 30 volunteers, and “Although it stimulates a response powerful in most cases, is soon to predict whether induced defenses prevent infection”.

Researchers have provided treatment with “MVA-B” 24 volunteers, while six others received a placebo. The vaccine was administered in three doses intramuscular at weeks 0, 4-16, since the beginning, and their effects were assessed in peripheral blood until week 48, when it concluded the trial.


Thanks to its high immunological response in humans, the team will begin in October with the network of AIDS research another clinical phase I trial with 30 volunteers infected with HIV, to check its effectiveness as a therapeutic vaccine.

“We want to test whether the vaccine also induces defenses in infected people.” AIDS drugs are taken in by life, and this is something intolerable in Africa. “We must find alternatives to antiretroviral therapy,” added Garcia.

To be able to be marketed, this “genetic cocktail” must overcome even all future clinical trials in phase II and III tests. In this regard, the team says “be very close” to close an agreement with the Hivacat project and Esteve laboratories for the launch of the phase II study.


The only trial in phase III carried out so far is being held in Thailand, with 16,000 volunteers. This research has achieved an efficiency of 31%. “We have now is much more powerful than the Thailand.” “We are in the first Division,” added Stephen.

The research team of Esteban began working in development and preclinical “MVA-B”, which gets its name from its composition from the modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus in 1999. According to the CSIC, is an attenuated virus used to eradicate smallpox, and serves as a model in the research of multiple vaccines. The “B” is derived from the subtype of HIV which fights, the most prevalent in Europe.

The development of the “MVA-B” is based on the introduction of four genes of HIV in the genetic sequence of vaccinia. A healthy immune system reacts against the MVA, and HIV genes inserted into their DNA are not able to infect humans, which guarantees the safety of the trial.


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