Monica Foster made me fucking laugh today

My lol moment of the day has to go to Monica Foster who posted on lukeisback about the CalOSHA meeting today.

MonicaFoster Says: What an interesting day. I mentioned on (HER WHORE BLOG) last night that I am coming out of retirement back to performing as long as it’s condom only, and it looks like condom only is the only option now anyhow.

I just have to say fucking lol on this one.  Does this bitch really think we don’t know why she “retired”?

What the fuck?  This bitch couldn’t get work when it wasn’t only condoms only, years ago when work was plentiful and now that the industry has cut production back drastically due to the economy she now thinks anyone will want to work with her?

Bitch who the fuck are you trying to fool?



One thought on “Monica Foster made me fucking laugh today

  1. Pingback: Monica Foster made me fucking laugh today | The Adult News Wire

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