Scott Janke and Jazella Moore are back in the news

The politician who was fired for being married to a MILF porn star Jazella Moore is apparently still at his job search.  This time it is in a town called Bonita Springs.   Does he have a chance in hell to land the job?  Probably not.  Even if he is technically qualified, politics and porn don’t tend to mix and once you show your dick on camera, it’s just not likely many small towns are going to be willing to work with you.  Speaking of dicks, if you want to see the Scott Janke Sex Tape made with Jazella Moore be sure and check it out at  You can now watch the whole thing online.

The former Fort Myers Beach town manager, fired after it was discovered his wife made pornographic films, has applied for the Bonita Springs city manager position.

William Scott Janke was Fort Myers Beach manager in July 2009 when his wife, Anabela Mota Janke, was found to be a porn actress named Jazella Moore. He was fired that same month.

He’s one of the roughly 60 applicants for the Bonita Springs city manager position, and according to deputy city clerk of human resources, Meg Weiss, he has met the initial requirements for the job.

According to the job positing, candidates must have a bachelors degree in business administration, public administration, public policy or related field from an accredited college or university. They also must have 10 years of increasingly responsible experience as a senior level executive with a minimum of five years in the public sector. Also, it helps if they have previous public sector experience in Florida and a master’s degree in public administration.

Janke is now living in Tarpon Springs, and hasn’t held a public position since, his resume shows.

Janke said since his termination from the Fort Myers Beach Town Manager position, he and his wife are separated and he has spent his time looking for a job.

“I’m persevering, pushing along and hoping to get my talents into a city manager position,” he said. “I’m looking to get back into my career because I’m good at what I do.”

Janke also said that he’s not concerned about coming back to the Southwest Florida area.

“Not a bit, doesn’t enter my mind…did I do something wrong? No,” he said.

He also said since his firing in 2009, he has received thousands of e-mails from people in the town completely supporting him.

“(Residents) said the town council did something completely wrong and the taxpayers supported me,” he said. “I don’t feel bad about it at all.”

Meg Weiss, Bonita Springs deputy city clerk for human resources, is responsible for narrowing the qualified candidates and once the Feb. 28 deadline hits, City Council will continue the process.

“So far”, she said, “out of the roughly 60 resumes, 10 do not meet the minimum requirements.”

Weiss plans to ask council at the Feb. 16 meeting for direction on how to proceed. If council will review the applications, as planned, or will ask for further assistance from human resources because of the amount.

Weiss said she is expecting to receive 100 resumes by the deadline.

Gary Price, the Sanibel Island city manager for 14 years, began his term with the City of Bonita Springs on April 26, 2000. When he announced his retirement at the Dec. 1 City Council meeting, he called his nearly 11 year experience “an unforgettable ride.”

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