for Sale For Sale

Domain name has recently gone up for sale on ebay. The owners of this domain claim the domain name is worth as much as $1 million however the domain has been up for auction for the past few days with almost no bids and currently (at the time of this posting) only 3 people total have bid in the last 3 days and it’s current high bid is at $400. But with 7 days left on this auction, I am sure the final price will rise much higher, but will it reach the $1 million mark?

Probably not. It is a page rank 3 domain name that gets only an estimated 1,300 uniques per day. That’s really not much. What makes this domain so valuable is that it is a 3 word .com which forms the letters of a very commonly used term in the adult industry. “TGP”. This domain is more than 13 years old, being first regged on January 31, 1995 … which alone helps raise the value of the domain name greatly, and add in the more than 11,000 back links and you have a pretty picture being painted as far as value goes. But $1 million?

I would say that $250,000 to $500,000 is much more realistic. TGP isn’t a end user friendly term. It’s more common with adult webmasters than your average suffers and that’s what can hurt the value. Throw in the fact that the economy is currently in the crapper and the value of the dollar continues to plummet, all of these things hurt the chances for finding the right buyer.

But for the smart buyer, may just be the great find of the year, especially if they can get their hands on it well below estimated market value.

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