Fayner Posts: Sold my soul for last weekend. It was wicked fuckin’ horrible.

It all began about a year ago or so the night Nathan/Winston Burbank/Rainbow went on his first date ever with Naudia Nyce. A whole bunch of us went out because we all knew that Nate is way too sweet and innocent for any L.A. chick, Nadia especially.

At that dinner, Keith tried paying me $200 to shave my head. I refused. The fat ugly waiter called me stupid.

But back then I had pride.

Not anymore.

I caved in like a bitch.

But for a whopping $1,000 cash money.

It’s all about the bengamins (urban sp?) baby

two loced out niggaz goin crazy.

Right after TR shaved my hair off I regretted doing it, even though I had a bunch of cash for crack. Gone was my precious hair, the reason for by being and the only thing that gets me up in the morning. I now hate life.


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