Welcome to the domesticated life Barrett !!!!!
Fayner Posts: I’ve known Barrett Blade for somewhere around five years. I won’t get into details as they’ve become a bit old, but Barrett and I have done our share of partying together over the years, from the many Vegas conventions to the many Hollywood parties to his wedding back in October of 2004 to the bumpin’ hot Kirsten Price.
Barrett’s never claimed to be an Angel; shit, he’s a former rocker who toured near and far consuming pretty much anything and everything in his path, so it was inevitable that the two of us became friends.
Now, some years later, Barrett is a married man in his early 30s. I’m not. He chose to grow up and be a man. I didn’t.
But everyone must grow up sooner or later, and while I always thought my friends would die off before that day Barrett happened to survive the debauchery and live to tell about it.
Sure, I expected him to halt his partying ways and settle down, but I never thought he’d go so far as to buy a house. I mean, check out the picture below of Barrett and Kirsten’s hotel room following their wedding and tell me they’re morgage material…
Anyway, I was at their new house yesterday. Outside by the pool as Barrett and I had a smoke I felt a bit strange listening to the once menace to society chatting away about gardening and recycling and the raising of credit limits instead of sex, drugs and rock and roll.
It’s a good thing.
But not for me.
Actually, it means there’s more trouble for me, so who needs him, right?
Who said the dead can’t speak?
Many of you would equate Hunter Thompson with chemical-induced misadventure as outlined in his most famous work, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, or the film of the same name starring Johnny Depp. But his most valid claim to fame is as a sportswriter, novelist, and above all, a political journalist. His recent book, Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness- Modern History from the Sports Desk is the unedited compellation of his ESPN sports column. It chronicles the Bush presidency since the election and as it runs its course “on the downhill, hell bound train.”
In his Fear and Loathing books, his words evoke a generation, he appears as a kind of Hemingway of the 70’s: “You could strike sparks anywhere, there was a fantastic universal sense that what we were doing was right. That we were winning…” Times have changed, and we are now in a century saturated with oil, lies, terrorism, the Bush Chaney war machine, and the epidemic of voter apathy. Now his words carry a grim yet prophetic tone.
JLH: After a recent round of censorship, a staffer at a certain major media outlet was quoted saying “Hunter can go too far at times.”
HST: Too far, that’s what it’s about. If you never go too far, you never have a real sense of adventure. What’s too far? It’s a matter of taste; I believe that’s right, a matter of personal choice. I’m a very down-to-earth person, a neighborhood pillar of strength. I’ve lived in the same house for 30 years, so I’m not really as weird as you may have heard. I am a journalist.
JLH: As a writer, what is it that draws you to a subject?
HST: I approach stories that interest me for reasons just beyond simple journalism. Well, this presidential election is one. The presidential election is pretty much going to be a life or death matter for the next generation.
This Bush Cheney machine in the Whitehouse is the most dangerous situation I ever seen in the country. This country is in worse shape today than I have seen it in, and so fast down the same path… if Nixon was running against George Bush. I’d vote for Nixon. Yeah… I never thought I’d say that. Now tell me, who are you going to vote for?
JLH: I’m leaning more towards Kerry; he seems to be the lesser of the two evils.
HST: Well, in this case he’s a lot lesser. I’m gunna vote for Kerry and I worry- I constantly bitch at him for not being more aggressive and simply more fun. No doubt in my mind that Kerry would be a good president, extremely different from Bush. The main thing to understand is that Bush is not some sort of likable cowboy, some aww shucks person who is a man of good will. Compassionate Conservative. NO, he’s a front man for a gigantic combine of religious zealots and oil billionaires, and voting against Bush will stop this whole encroaching glacier or iceberg… meanwhile the machine keeps going. People are just getting poorer- loosing more jobs, more health insurance, more pension funds. Bush has destroyed the economy in the country, but he has not destroyed the economy of Halliburton, the oil company that Dick Cheney was president of before he became the Vice President of the US. Yeah, anyway it’s a matter of personality.
JLH: What would you consider the foulest lie on the campaign trail of 2004?
HST: Well, the foulest lie I believe is the one that says Bush has been a successful president and should be re-elected. That’s absolutely 180 degrees false. He has been a disaster for a president, for the country. He’s been a good boy for Halliburton and the oil industry, that’s what he does, that’s where he grew up. He grew up in the petroleum clubs of Houston, which is a huge power center of world evil. But he’s not god for the country… they come in and steal a trillion dollars from the national treasury in the name of war on the rest of the world.
The lie is the really that Bush and Cheney don’t deserve to be fired and put in jail, they do. And why he would run for president is and be re- elected is almost beyond my ability to comprehend it. The question now is not whether George Bush is a Nazi or whether John Kerry bled real blood in Vietnam or lied. That’s all bullshit; it’s an election year. The question now is whether the American people, the voters want it that way. Do we want a democracy? Do we approve of having a failed creature of the oil industry in charge of the country for another four years?
The first time I saw George Bush, he came into my hotel room in Houston, and passed out in the bathtub. How’s that for a story. He was drunk. He was not invited, he came into the room with some friend of his who was invited and he disappeared, and the next time I saw him he was passed out in the bathtub, he had vomited on his seersucker suit- that’s a good image. I’ve done worse things under a variety of substances, including drink. But to me that’s the most interesting thing he’s done as a human being- wait a minute, did I say that out loud?
JLH: What do you feel would happen if Bush does get re-elected?
HST: Well, the more of the same that’s happening now, this country has gone from a prosperous nation at peace and now four years later we’re a broken nation at war, that’s a huge turnaround. It’s the effects of a failing economy- although the war making machine- Christ, that’s doing better than ever, corporate profits for companies that make airplanes, security devices, and machine guns. Their profits are up 200 percent over the year before.
Looking ahead I don’t think he’s going to win, but if he does get re-elected, all the directions they’ve gone in, all the environmental directions… one of them is putting oil rigs all over Colorado now- giving away all the national parks to mining companies and they’re doing that- putting oil derricks and pipelines everywhere. It’s sucking the energy out of the Earth. It’ll run out in about in about 37 years, according the scientists that measure stuff like that. This might be the last gasoline available maybe ever. We’re running out of jobs, all of the premier airlines are filing for bankruptcy because of the price of fuel.
I think this country is heading into the Dark Ages. I believe George Bush will be seen as the Adolph Hitler of his time. And Dick Cheney will be seen as having committed war crimes worse than Hitler, and they will be put on trial and judged; they’re such religious freaks. What kind of maniac will declare war on the rest of the world? And turn the country into what nazi Germany was…
He’s not a monster; he’s just a nerd… like a drunken kid. He’s not running the country anyway, Dick Cheney is running it…
JLH: Sadly, voter apathy is prevalent among college students today.
HST: I’ve worried about the youth vote for so long. You live in a country and bad things are happening to it, and therefore to you, and you have a chance. This will be the last chance for another four years to kick the bastard out of the Whitehouse, to fire him, and not to vote I think is criminal, it’s stupid, criminally stupid. It’s the last time this oil machine is gunna be stopped in this lifetime.
Apathy is what got us George Bush. Too complicated, too crooked, politics is a vicious business when you’re running for president. The most powerful job on earth- maybe not for long, but right now, and people will kill, that’s what they do in politics. You eliminate people and our chance is now. I’ve been in politics, writing about it and being in it for forty years and I don’t have any cure for what- it’s like having the Hell’s Angles move in and having to kick them out. And this is our chance. Apathy is just stupid. It’s self-destructive.
I’ve always viewed election day as fun, always with a kind of action, pretty girls, getting laid, just fun. The thing to do this year is to get a date right now for Election Day. Bring a date. You have to make politics fun if you’re going to run for office. It has to be fun for people or you’re not going to get elected. It can only be a job for so long… there needs to be some fun in this campaign. Naked voting- yeah, I don’t think there are laws against voting naked- while you’re with a date, yeah, that’s sounds pretty good, or you don’t have to get naked to vote, get naked afterwards, wear an overcoat or a raincoat to vote… I don’t know what the hell I’m saying.. All this talk about politics is getting me excited!
Smith made the claim during a speech to undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania.He alleged Richie, 24, seduced one-time heroin addict Mewes–a long-term friend who has appeared in all his films–two-and-a-half years ago, after dragging him into a bathroom.
Smith said the Simple Life star, also an-ex heroin addict, “Pulled Jay into a bathroom and just sat on (him) and started going at it.”
But the adopted daughter of crooner Lionel Richie is outraged.
Her spokeswoman Cindy Guagenti tells the New York Daily News, “She didn’t know his real name till I explained, then said: ‘I met him but, ewwwww! Are you kidding me? I’ve never ever had sex with him.'”
Taylor Rain writes: Got this email from Brad Thomas at Intoxicate U, he’s so cool!!!
Here is a great opportunity for all of you to come out and enjoy great wine. My friend Ian who owns www.learnaboutwine.com and I have been working on bringing all of you a great wine event. This is an early event. This is a restaurant environment not a club environment. We will be cutting off the list @ 200 people. Our intention is to have a comfortable environment to enjoy great wine, food music and art.
RSVP Instructions are at the bottom. Please read through the entire email. If you are a Wine enthusiast or you just want to learn about wine this is a do not miss event.
7213 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90046
Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2006
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
And every Wednesday Night here after….
Only $20 to taste 10+ wines!
Cash at the door $20 or $25 VIP.
$25 VIP Admission allows for additional VIP wine from Ian’s Cellar Table.
The FALCON takes FLIGHT every Wednesday evening on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.
Structured much like an Enoteca style wine bar, FLIGHT opens its doors from 7pm until 11pm each week, offering an exclusive destination for the beautiful people of Hollywood to enjoy musical entertainment, DJs, art, and no less than ten wines each week for serious tasting and discussion.
Each Learn About Wine guest will receive an “Tasting Passport,” accompanied by tapas style small bites and canapés from Falcon’s wood burning ovens.
Named for the home of silent film star Rudolph Valentino, Falcon is located at 7213 Sunset Boulevard in the heart of historic Hollywood. This unique setting allows for Learn About Wine guests to enjoy dinner before, during, and after this weekly event.
This week we have Some fantastic wines from Burgundy, Bordeaux, and others,
such as:
Vincent Girardin, Chambertin-Clos De Beze, Grand Cru 2001
Chateau La Clotte, Saint-Emilion, Grand Cru 2000
Champalou, Vouvray 2004
Domaine des Baumard, Savennieres “Clos du Papillion” 2002
… in addition to a number of small family farms from California like Mauritson, Grable, Stryker, Andiamo and others….
Special Music Guest: Julie Gribble
Julie Gribble’s music www.JullieGribble.com is lyrically driven and smooth with sultry melodies that rock with her four piece band or solo.
Fans and industry alike are calling Julie’s music ‘real’ and ‘captivating’. Her knack for storytelling offers raw emotion and most importantly a way to relate with audience of all ages. Stage performances of Julie’s are sexy and emotional.
To RSVP for the Wine Tasting or for dinner email Brad@intoxicateu.com
$20 Cash at the door. Dinner does not comp your wine tasting.
The wine tasting is a separate deal.
According to public safety chief Scott Raven, a team of officers served the warrant at The Log Cabin late this morning. The search, which closed the store, is expected to take six to eight hours. The total amount of seized materials is expected to fill two vanloads, according to Raven.
This raid is the latest move in an ongoing battle by the city to regulate adult establishments operating in the Mansfield Highway area. In the fall of 2004 police arrested five employees of Crystal’s Dreamer’s Video and The Log Cabin for obscenity.
“We made sure before we came up here and strung that yellow crime tape that we did everything we could,” said Mayor Jim Norwood, who is also a pastor.
The warrant, which was signed by District Judge James Wilson, was based on evidence obtained by undercover officers posing as customers. Judge Wilson viewed the material in question and ruled that it was obscene under Texas law.
Texas Law defines obscenity as that which the “average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in sex.”
According to City Manager David Miller, owners of The Log Cabin could face felony jail time for promoting and distributing obscene material, if charged and convicted.
The owners of The Log Cabin could not be reached for comment.
Taylor Rain Prays: SAN FRANCISCO — Each time the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on medical marijuana, the justices have come down against allowing the sick and dying to use the drug to ease their symptoms and possibly prolong life.
However, the door has never been fully closed, and now a federal appeals court is set to hear arguments in the latest round of legal wrangling over the issue.
The case to be argued today before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco narrows the matter to the so-called right to life theory: that marijuana should be allowed if it is the only viable option to keep a patient alive or free of excruciating pain.
It would apply only to the sickest patients and their suppliers, regardless of whether they live in one of the 11 mostly Western states that allow medical marijuana.
The case was brought by Angel Raich, a 40-year-old mother of two from Oakland who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumor and chronic nausea. She uses marijuana every couple of hours to ease her pain and bolster her appetite.
‘Nothing else works’
”She’d probably be dead without marijuana,” said her doctor, Frank Lucido, who has recommended marijuana for about 3,000 patients. ”Nothing else works.”
The Bush administration says the lawsuit is without merit.
Even if successful, the case would be unlikely to stop federal raids on pot clubs or protect most users and suppliers.
Regardless of outcome, Raich said she will continue using marijuana and that she expects the case to go to the Supreme Court.
”The federal government can say who can live and who can die if I lose in the Supreme Court,” she said.