Fayner Posts: I called Zero Tolerance’s director Mike Quasar earlier to find out just what the fuck Canadian Thanksgiving is. He couldn’t give me a straight answer. I guess no one knows.

Funny thing Mike tells me is that he signed up for a Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, which you may have guessed from the title of this post that uses semi-famous Canadian rock band from the 80s Triumph’s song "Lost in a world of Fantasy" in the title. God, I’m so fucking clever.

Anyway, Mike tells me that he’s excited to be going as Paul Stanley from KISS (Mike’s favorite band since he was 6 years old) will be one of the stars involved, as is Steve Vai and Scott Ian.

I guess the rock star in all of us never truly dies, does it?

And in other Quasar news, Mike informs me that the child molester who lived across the street from him and his family has moved away, making his street a "No Child Molester" street. Great for him and his family, but a huge bummer for whoever happens to become the guy’s new neighbors.

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