Jade writes in her journal at her official website jademarcelaxxx.com

This weeks webcam chats schedule

I will be doing 2!! Yes that’s right I am doing 2 live webcam chats next week…The first one will be Monday September 11th at 8pm PST and the second chat will be Thursday Septermber 14th at 8pm PST. If you dont have a microphone go get one cause my chats are audio and video so not only can you see me but you can talk with me LIVE!!!! If you need help to configure your mic hit me at Jade@Jademarcelaxxx.com and I’ll help u out…I also wanted to say thanks to all the guys from last nights chat..I think it went great!!! Finally my store dvd’s are selling quickly so don’y miss your chance to own these 1 of a kind dvd’s that you cant find anywhere else on the net!

thanks again to everyone for the great emails and support…



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