Missy Monroe writes:

I will be dancing outside of Philly in the middle of May at Gentlemen’s Club 10, at 205 Mundy St., Wilkes-Barre, PA…..

I will be doing 6 shows so I presume that would be one on the 18th around 9pm two on the 19th around 9 and 11:30 and Three the fianl night around 8, 11, and 1am… SO make sure to cum by… I will also be selling movies and digital kodak printed 4’9 pictures…and of course be giving private lap dances for your viewing pleasure…..Hope to see you there!!!

Kisses and Hugs
Missy Monroe
See EXCLUSIVE photos and videos of Missy at ClubTaylorRain.com and ClubHardcore.tv

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