Just got off the phone with TMFR, the Stern show called to do an interview about her retirement. ANyone who listened to the Stern show this morning knows Howard and Robyn spoke about Taylor’s retirement and move into directing. You can read about it on Gene Ross’s site www.adultfyi.com. What they didn’t mention, or realize, is that Taylor WILL still be doing hardcore, but ONLY for her website. Taylor has never made a penny from the web…. so now it’s time.
People can see her do hardcore, everything rhey’ve grown acustom to seeing her do… BUT now she will be the only one profiting from it. Smart move !!!
Taylors site will start accepting members on Thursday.. www.clubtaylorrain.com
And for now… our friends at Cyber Erotica would like to show some love to Taylor and to the listeners of the Howard Stern Show by giving you some free sex… click here
DIRECT LINK: http://in.cyberererotica.com/c/p4.cgi/340/2480631/H