When you are the world’s most famous playboy, it has to be hard to try and figure out who will play the role of you in your life’s movie. I mean who hasn’t thought about what celebrity they want to play them? Even Jenna Jameson has when she said she wanted Scarlett Johansson to play her. Although Scarlett Johansson said not gonna happen, it doesn’t mean one can’t dream.
So what if you are Hugh Hefner? Well the list of potential candidates to play Hugh Hefner was surprisingly short and when the Iron Man himself came up, Robert Downey Junior, High Hefner agreed … or so says a recent story in the Chicago Sun Times. Long story short, a biography is in the works for the life of Playboy Hugh Hefner.
It’s not a 100 percent done deal, but sources say Hefner has signed off on Downey to play him in the movie, with the working title “Playboy.”
He took a liking to the actor after seeing “Iron Man” and admiring his humor and skill in showing his vulnerability.
Chicago is expected to be used for the shooting of scenes focusing on the early years of Playboy magazine. A Chicago native, Hefner grew up in Galewood and launched Playboy here before moving the California.