If you read Mike South’s website you might hear him occasionally talking about some fucktard named Uncle Peg.
The story gets a tad fucking confusing sometimes because the guy has many names and aliases.
Michael Whiteacre is also known as Ari Scott Bass.
Michael Whiteacre is also known as Uncle Peg.
Sean Tompkins is not Michael Whiteacre, however they are friends and apparently created the site, therealpornwikileaks (TRPWL for short), where they often talk trash and bash people in the industry they don’t like, which is apparently just about fucking everyone.
If you are a female, either Sean or Michael have no problem threatening violence against you.
Michael Whiteacre is in a long term relationship with a girl named Christina. We are talking like 5 or more times here in just the last two years alone.
Michael Whiteacre has been arrested numerous times for beating said girlfriend and is apparently wanted by the police for failing to show up for one of his 20,000 fucking court dates relating to his multiple domestic violence cases.
Sean Tompkins to my knowledge has not been arrested for beating up his girlfriend, or to my knowledge even has one. But he is just as much a crazy psycho has his friend, the wife beating Michael Whiteacre.
So now you know what the fuck Mike South is talking about when he refers to this Uncle Peg fucker on his website.