Sweat. Fuck. Repeat. is Fleshbot’s August XCritic Gay Pick

Fleshbot is excited to announce that Raging Stallion’s Sweat. Fuck. Repeat. is the XCritic Gay Pick of August 2023! The XCritic Gay Pick of the Month is a monthly recurring feature where Fleshbot highlights one gay flick or scene that’s the best of the best that everyone should watch. Sweat. Fuck. Repeat. is recognized for its quality production, engaging performances, and overall appeal. Released in 2023 and directed by Tony Dimarco, this flick features a collection of scenes showcasing the physical prowess and erotic interactions between the sweaty, hairy, and muscular men of the cast. 
Fleshbot’s John Boy says, “This gritty bareback flick is the kind of movie that motivates you to get back in the gym, even if it’s just to stare at the muscles…the testosterone is palpable, and the workout sessions are intense between gym buds and tailgating fans.”
Read more about the "XCritic Gay Pick of the Month" here. To keep up with all the fun happenings at Fleshbot make sure to follow Fleshbot on Twitter @Fleshbot and @FleshbotGay.

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