SpankPay is shutting down. SpankPage was a service that allowed adult content creators to accept payments via crypto, with fees as low as 1%. In comparison, other platforms charge Adult Content creators 20-25% to accept payments.

The crypto market has been rather volatile lately and it seems SpankPay is just yet another victim of the market crash.
SpankPay had a big presence at this year's AVN show in Las Vegas. Many were floored to find out while at the booth itself that the service was shutting down.

They notified their customers via email and on Twitter, letting them know that it was an issue beyond their control. Here is a copy of their message.
We have unfortunate news:
Payments on SpankPay are suspended indefinitely following the sudden shutdown of our crypto custodian and banking partner,
Withdrawals will be processed normally until Jan. 30th, then will be restricted to crypto-only (BTC, ETH, USDC).
We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience to SpankPay users, and we are working on getting payments and bank withdrawals back online ASAP.
To be clear: All user balances are unaffected and are still available for immediate withdrawal. Only SpankPay payments are affected.
What happened with Wyre? Wyre announced that they are going out of business at the end of the month, and have already frozen deposits. SpankPay used Wyre as a crypto custodian, so that means our payments are also frozen.
Even though their shutdown was sudden, we want to thank
@sendwyre for their years of dedicated service, in turn helping us provide crypto and fiat services to the adult community.
We are exploring new service providers ASAP, please DM us with adult friendly suggestions.
We would like to remind everyone that self-custody is the only way to secure uninterrupted access to your crypto assets.
DM us to get your .eth so you can advertise a user-friendly name for your customers to easily send money directly to your wallet!
For adult talent, while we work on getting SpankPay payments back online, please check out our most recent product, @SpankMatch. Find. Fuck. Film.
- You can follow SpankPay on Twitter ta @SpankPay.
- You can follow SpankMatch on Twitter at @SpankMatch.
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