Is stunt dick (the male equivalent of a porn star) Erik Everhard fucking girls so hard it is causing them to go to the hospital or leave the business all together? Well according to a entry at porn star performances, he is. The complaint was filed by someone over at Lethal Hardcore which states that Erik Everhard fucks the girls so hard it breaks their pussy. I’m not sure how one could break a pussy but apparently it can be done, or so says this guy. The complaint goes on to say that several girls have gone to the hospital after fucking him. The same person filed a similar report the previous year. Does this guy just have it out for Erik Everhard or is there really something to this story?

Posted by Dust of Lethal Hardcore – Chucky Sleaze at 12:16pm |
Agents, don’t book your girls w/ Eric Everhard |
It Happened again, Everhard made another chick loose weeks of work. I had Cassandra Calogera booked for a boxcover scene on Sat, but she ended up breaking her pussy the day before because Eric Everhard fucks these chicks like a robot who can only fuck full speed. Several girls have gone to the hospital. We tried to re-schedule the scene but she is now leaving the business |
Posted by Dust of Lethal Hardcore – Chucky Sleaze at 6:06pm |
Erik Everhard destroys girls |
I don’t know the guy, and have never shot him, but I do know of him. Almost every time I have to cancel a scene because a girl is too sore it is because she worked with him. Today was one of those days. I had Eden Adams on set, and she was in very serious pain! I just want agents out there to know that if you are sending a girl to work with him, especially a new girl, expect her to be out of work for a week or two.
Well this actually made me laugh out loud. Either this posting was created via Erik and/or his peeps for publicity OR someone who’s jealous of the dude.
I shot my 5th “porn career” scene with him and TO DATE he’s the most skilled and energetic white guy I’ve ever had the pleasure of fucking. I’d actually like a round 2.
He’s a hardcore performer – bottom line – a lot of girls feel that if they just look good and lay there that’s enough – wrong. You need FUCKING STAMINA if you’re going to be a porn STAR so if he’s too much for some women, then they should stay in the Miami market, work only with old men or go for a g/g contract.
Keep fucking hard, deep and fast Erik – you’re hot to watch and hot to perform with.
Fuck yes I second that.
He’s continued when many women have told him to stop. They all ended up in the hospital because he would not stop and how hard and rough he was with them. This has happened many times. Corina Taylor accused him of raping her on set. He never addressed her rape accusation only until a year later. If you’re being accused of rape like the many other times women have accused you of abusing them on set, wouldn’t a normal person address the issue right away? But he waited a whole year because he’s allowed to treat the women the way he has and he’s used to getting away with it. Because porn has never held women in any regard except as fifth-class citizens.
If this is the real Kayden commenting above, you’re a fucking cunt. You were dating him and that’s why you defend an accused rapist.
Obviously I am late on this older post, but I’m catching up on my reading.
Every performer has limits and certain things they will do and won’t do. I never worked with Erik because of his reputation for being too rough. I have nothing against him or people who have rough sex, but Darrah has a good point. If something is too much for you, a good performer should be able to adapt their style to someone else’s. Just doing whatever you want regardless of what the other person likes is not consentual sex. It is closer to rape. And remember, a lot of young girls get into porn not knowing completely what they like or don’t like. We discover it, sometimes, over time. I don’t like rough sex, so I don’t have it. It’s my right to do what pleases me if people pay for it – and they did. Condemning a woman to just taking it because she is not a “real porn star” if she doesn’t is not a realistic perspective. Some women’s vaginas are smaller than other’s, too. It’s too cold to just see one side. I hope it’s not true that Erik hurts girls when he knows he’s doing it. That’s what I always heard. I don’t understand why performers won’t just do their research. I had to stop a scene once because the guy was coked-out and crazy. I stopped it and that was that. These women should know it’s just not worth it to do whatever for money. It’s so fucking sad!
Tera patrick talked about this on her book. maybe he’s a lil too rough.