I have a friend who used to call him Mr. Fine Himself. She would go on and on about how hot he was. I don’t know about all of that but what I do know is that Bobby Vitale is one lucky bastard, he not only got to fuck some of the hottest women in the world for a living but he also got to date and eventually marry Briana Banks. Briana Fucking Banks!! Come on people, could you imagine having her hot ass as your wife? Sure they are no longer married but still doesn’t change the fact that after he came home from a hard day at work he got to call that his own. Bobby Vitale was born on June 30, 1965 and was in the jizz biz for about 10 years from 1995 to 2005 and during that time did nearly 500 movies. To honor the man on his birthday I snagged some great pics and video clips for you.
Here is Bobby Vitale with his wife Briana Banks – 4 video clips.
the scene with him and Celeste has got to be one of the hottest ever, lucky bastard