Fayner Posts: I wouldn’t believe it either if I didn’t come across it while looking for gay phone chat lines to call.
But here it is in black and white and chisled glory for all to see and admire.
So I called Dez. His assistant told me Dez is booked solid until next January doing gay phone chat line ads all around the world just like this one.
(This story and why I am lashing out against Dez by revealing his "secret" is the result of Dez changing his MySpace picture to the one you see above, something I am not too pleased about because he is on my "top" list which now makes it look like I have a bonerfide fagola as one of my best friends, which I wouldn’t mind as long as their picture was nothing as fruity as his is).
Sorry, Dez, but you asked for it by using that fucking picture.